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Pilot this book series into greatness | Real Inky Trails is coming

Beta readers wanted. Please, help me pilot this book series into greatness. 

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Looking for Beta readers to pilot this new story through to the final destination, whether that should be before the eyes of book readers everywhere, or even unto a Hollywood movie screen. This is this first book in what is to become a series called, “Real Inky Trails.” The name of the first book is called, “The sword, the word, and books of rules.” The second book is at an advanced stage and nearing completion. While there are yet many more ideas for subsequent books in the series. I am now in the process of finding beta readers to become the first set of “other” eyes on the scripts, if you are interested in becoming a beta reader, please subscribe to my mailing list, with the words “Beta, beta” in the subject line. I will send you the script. If you are then chosen. Note: not all subscribers will be selected to be my beta readers. However, you may well be positioning yourself to be among many to receive free gifts, and more. thank you very much for your interest and time. Start Reading The Story Now.

The Writingelk.
Help, help. Help me get this work before the eyes of many readers. 

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