The sword, the word, and books of rules. From: Real Inky trails book series.
A satirical socio-political drama with a liberal dusting of humor, wit, and a very funny dash of social commentary.
Move along, nothing here to see, just a mocking motley fool. And some poetry
The sword, the word, and books of rules is a fictional historic tale with a twisted comedic edge.
It all started and happened in a fictitious Earth-like world called Kingsland, in a time period encompassing the sixteenth to the 23rd century. The ghosts of the Kingslandees people or any of the many other previously disenfranchised peoples. Would have risen up from the grave with a burning desire for vengeance, and justice. They were to come back with vigor, vitality, technical know-how and skills unrivaled in their time or in any other times. Those who had suppressed and oppressed them for decades were going to pay the raids. And dearly so.
So, you want something unique and different? This is it. This is not your typical girl meets boy winning the joy character hopping plot wrapping sweetie flick bit. This is an analytical look at a book, bookings, and crooks. As well as a cash crop of…
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Gods of the ancient: They were all there, worshipping the memory and making merriment, honoring the lifestyle and spirit of their elders, the ancient. Caring about nothing other than caring for their children the innocent, and basking in the glories of those who had walked the way, way before their shoe, and would have served their time, and went. They who had lived and teach those golden ways, and the ancient custom to the offspring naves, and has now passed on via the grave, and then came the un-graving, to get things even, even. Then came the other men, with the sword and a word in hand. The sword in the right and the word did leave a lasting impact upon the halls of those circular lot, deep wounds which they, those of the squarely way could not retract, not that they would even contemplate such an act, nor were they ever going to make a move anything the likes of that, but.
They were out searching for one, and would have found this promised promise land. Which he, yes him, that man, he would have found it there heavy under the palming hand of a circular man, in that very place where his hand and the legs of Larried ancestors stands and walked the walk thereupon. But he would have come in that squared faced man, along with all of his thieving companions. Then took off his caped boots and sat down cute after he was done with tasting loots at the hands of Lars own easy and diving suits. Got the sword in his right hand, and a word in the left you bet. Wants to feel his sole atop their sand before he gets around to giving the command to the rest of his clan to fix them up nice and easy, and ready for the meeting of the man's mind, yeah! He would have done it every time, that same one whom they, the Larried vine, yes them, they would have wined and dined him, he who they did not know aforetimes, before he's done though, done with kneading away at all that dough, they are sure to know, whatever knowing to do will be left in them as well as in you, and all of your kinds too. They, for a short splay, did scare the sheet out of squares Kings’ sleep and off of his grinning half-white teeth and into the pit of the wastebasket. This was to happen when he would have first sat himself down to eat and was forced to watch upon it, you know, upon the story. He had wanted to see the glory of the ancestors’ story, and to partake of the service and sacramentary. The offerings offered up to their gods in worship momentary, but. “Oh, look at the Hut.” He would have growled in his gut. And in trembling, did he not tremble? And put on the squared deceitful face of the humble? Tumbling down upon him as well as on all of them, a pile of snake oil tooth, toot tooting and arguing all of the arguments. Got them believing for a while that he was genuinely docile, covering up the brute square there underneath a plastic smile. Shook shake his lying pancake baking palm oil in front of their circular style, those who would have been there misreading the profile. They would have done it to their own exile, cast out in unceremonious style to go exhuming kingdom bones below the river Denial. By the time he was gone and done, gone back to his first place there in the frigid zone up there where he still stands up tall and calls it all his home, way up there on top of what he'd dragged in backpack and then stacked from under some circular tailbone, the whole entire earth was his home and barring none.
As for their gods which had served them then, like, when they were glad and mirth remain, well, up until them squares would have hopped right on in and rock and roll all over their soul. Whatever happened to them, those goodly godly friends? He would have taken their gods and toss them away and then gave to them a bag of hay, upon which to go kneel down and pray, and worship like sheep, among other bits and soft-spoken easy-flowing downhill sleet. Ever since then, they have been doing it, my friend. Why, oh why my little bunny rabbit, why can't you do it, I mean, the quit?
He would have seen them come, when first they came on down, sliding in square upon regular slimy skating gears, the juice my youth, as picked up there under his walking boots that is the truth. Too much of such over on that sided shout, so much so that he could not avoid it on the way out, so he did slide right on in. And as for them, they would have roped him in with their warming smoking chimney and shining beauty and with splendor. Came he not knocking at their window, and hopped in through their wide open door? And they would have seen them, you know, their mighty men, as well as their godly friends. They would have seen them again, like, like no more.
War, war, and yet more wars.
This is war, between the squares and the circulars. The cubes, however, they were somewhere in there. But as for them, as for those squares, to be fair, they were top-tier. They were there just like always, yes, they had been sitting there, cozy in the old rocking chair and savoring the fouled up musky air. With not much to do over there, nothing other than to screw and to unscrew the bottled beer just like they already knew that they should not do. But screw they did do, and pop came the top off of the liquor jar. As they would have swallowed hard at the bar brawl, singing along to the songs of the piano man over there at the barstool stand. And then he would have gazed up at the singing shining star, fastened fast to the blanket yonder far. But, looking around those places they would have known and also, they would have seen that out there in that very place were some evergreens, and outer yet further there where there were mighty wooded forests and other trees green, a called possibility his lying eyes would have come to see, seen? He would have been sucked in right away. Like, like sucked in to be a wondering form, from that very day, and on, and hence…
Then there was the Lars. Shortened and Circular. Just the way how they always are. They too were gazing, spending many a day in, and out, out in the open looking about, and upward bend, you know, like, bending the neck backward. Also watching the stars, trackered. And they sure like things just the way how they are, his way he says, or no way, no way at all. Yeah, that will take him far. He is a Lar. And everybody done knows that every Lar is a star. Ruff and buff and that is going to be more than enough for them Larried Lars and company.
The first casualties they say of any war, as it was to be discovered by far, is the truth, and the squares that brute, he did quickly majored in this sphere, truth. Not the youths though, youths the same as you. And him too, they, I mean, we, we majored in very little if anything at all. So, it was the city four squares over there who would have majored in there, in the major things fair. Like, in how to manipulate and twist truths and other things cute in order to come up with several versions of the man's boot, they would have also learned how to create their own truthings, and to pass same off as something soothing, or something else could have been brewthing, and that could have been to their suits, such as someone else's truths, or even worse, as the ultimate truth. They would have quickly noticed tooth, and while the Notice families were giving ear to the mute. They would have picked up a note that people spoke just like pickney my childhood children wrote for the most, as in part, and they like a lot to worship start and to throw the spikey pointed piercing dart, and they were rather spiritual too in the natural arts. The Lars mostly so smart they are. Wink-wink a wink at the shining star. So, the squares would have drawn themselves near and go out there, to out steer them, and make up something for them up there, yes sir mister pointy finger, make them gods up there over the air. Other gods than those of theirs, which they the Lars would have known and worship aforetimes far, and for fear. And give it to them to wake them up and send them off to the workshop. And to wonder working worship, and they did. Didn’t they give good godly gifts? Yes, they did. Meanwhile, the circulars were busily majoring around in a round of gulf and gulping down the gullible in believing. Like, believing lies even. Lies chiefly, why my friend? Why? Listen up while I sell you a pen. The bigger the lie bend is the more likely then, that those circulars are to believe in them. Suits square very fine fren-a-mine. You sure are a good friend. And then, along with all of them and his kind square friends. He would have gone out and gone about and would have scouted out and spend, yes he did, he would have spent the time. The necessary overtime, creating signs, lie lines, among other tries, and his alibis, like strong and beautiful thighs. Tied up Military things, hanging on to long strings even. And neck-laced there below the teething. And build big scary buildings which were to get the other wide-eyed void, the rounded circular side trembling at the knee dem, dem de de-dum dumb dimension tumbling down, and keeps them running and rolling around. By momentum too toot towards nothing new, nothing else needed do, they are circular, rounded around there they are, remember? So squares keep on keeping them in subjection and submitted. And believing in lies unlimited, even, and even the more. Because I have got to be sure to be delivered from the iron ore, the gripping grips of this other odor, the square person proper. And since I can't do it for myself, then there has got to be someone else somewhere else who will do it for me, someone like a good Godly god-fatherly personality, probably, and even his sweet untouched and yet touchable mother, maybe. And since I have done given up on the godly goodness of my forefathers family witness. Or was forced farther to give up and forget the order of all of them, ordered by the other order which was sent down from the other men. The harder they came the harder we went. Then, I'd better hold fast to the gods not yet bought, like the ones which he has given to me and taught, and go on and believe in them, and with all of me Ben, and with my whole heart too, that he will deliver, rescue and save me from all of mine enemy, like the man had said, he who had given him to me that day on the bed. In the beginning, was the giver, and for this very reason, Steven did quiver. “And even after I am done dead and gone to bed heaven knows,” the old man would have yawned and said, forget the forgotten earthen heathen are those. There he goes. And note, that there was nothing left to pose, and that said "other man," was found to be there trampling up and down upon my father’s eternal possession, even then, the very same godly incarnations which he had graciously given. He had given it unto me in that blessed day …when, which day? On the very day when he was taking those very things away from me. But. That very same God -oh my god, he it is who is going to avenge me against that man, my mortal enemy. …Oh, I see. This I do believe though. With all of me beau. Because belief is all that I've got left of me, probably.
In the meantime though behind the bent benbow, the beat goes on on row, on the part of that other man –look, there he goes, he is out there on the squares again. They are still on the beat over there you know, beating away on iron, and on steel, must be like how biting teeth feel. They are building strong things to eat and to keep them secure in their seat. And in their newfound possession which they have taken from meat, and from all other men, not you though, because you are strong. Or yet more beating they be, like beat you up, all of you, or maybe just some of you and your pup, beat and take that which you have got left, or that which you have not freely given up yet. In order to pacify him and get. Get goodly gifts you bet, but he will not be pacified. On such things, we have never lied. Or in order to get you a working man's working job. To help him make and to fab. Fabricating fabulous things in his factories and labs, helping him to build yet more of his very strong things to keep him in. And you out no doubt. While he was working though, you were there sleeping, or talking and singing and boasting and grinning, and blogging, and vlogging and giving information unto him -Loggen, how-to information even, go on in, the door is open so, go, give them to him.
Same kinds which he uses to build those very strong and beautiful things to kill. While you have nothing, still. He though, he build, built his beautiful things, beau, With materials which he took not from within, you know, not from within his own borders, you done know that they are those things which you freely gave to him in order, in order to barter, but he was smarter so he makes you to give the very best of everything to him, and you are left with the nothing, and the trash remains. And then, when he was done with the good and best parts of them, of those things which you gave to him, he sends over the trash and the waste and the remains. Hazardous waste even. Where did you want the man to store them? On his own children’s playpen? Oh no, not so. So. He sends it back to you like he must. Pack them in and send them over in the bus, again, and dump it over on your brain, and on the heads of your children, and gets you to pay him for dumping them within, and lie to you yet again, and kill you, and lie to your children after you, and kill them too, and blame it all on you. Rightly so. And then, those that are left of you? Guess what they eventually do? They choose him, yes, that man and his children, they choose him over you and yours every time. But. That's fine I guess. Or should I jest? No? No gesturing behind will soon find what's to be found. Found a foundation. Probation. Stop that I say. Hint, hint.
“Speaking of founding a foundation,” said that wise Larried one, that is what I'd do if I should win the lottery too, do it for all those Lars you know. And their pickney too my child, the children are hungry and getting rather angry, and it is now bordering on insanity, the life of living for them has lost its quality. So, it's going to take somebody who is some sort of a visionary, and one who will be able to inspire others who will join up with him to put the proper things in place, in order to save and reclaim the Larried larries fame. And the family name. What exactly would I do, you asked? Come sit down with me, let me explain it to you Bee, the tasks. I would set up that foundation which we spoke about earlier on, designed to enable my baby brother, and yours too if you score, and set the right goals and proper, the proper example for you, and for your son's and other father's sons and their sons to follow on. Yah! Swallow it, swallow hard on your spit, and go back to the yard but not back there to sit. That is a good something tin to fit you in. yes man, this is where it all begins. But since you are still sitting here and looking on with that listening stare in your hand, I am going to continue on. And show you how much I am waiting and wanting for you as well as other men too, to help us do this thing for me and for you. So the foundation is now in effect as you can see, all of the settings and setups are already set, now it is time to send out the searchlight beams to find those boys and bring them in. …Why boys? “Why boy? My joys.” But seriously though, why not? Let’s take a look at that, shall we? Take another look about you, and let us sit down here and chat, now tell me, what is the biggest problem as you see it, with the Larried lots? And which group among them is coming up the back? No, scratch that coming up bit. That is not a good fit. Going down is the profit, yeah! It’s the best word for that drift. The Larried boys my friends are sliding down the drain. Someone must do something about those who remain. Go save them and those who are coming after them, by doing this one single thing, you might have found a way to begin. Yes, the foundation is now get, it is set up and running vet. Everything is now in effect, now, go find the most achieving young man off of your learning tree prang. That is, a young man from within the country where you and your forefathers are from. Fund his journey through University, and even beyond if needs be. But all of this comes with conditionality, and prerequisites sets. For example, for a boy to have this joy, his father may not misstroy. Oh! What is that? Let me explain what is meant by misstroy, my boy. In several aspects of the ploy, we framework this so that. He, fatherly man, he must not be missing in action. Must be playing the proper role of father and a man, being in the home, and is an active part of the family plan, -the home life, and the children’s lives properly, living in the same household with the family. Preferably.
There was a time you know, a time not too long ago when women were the ones whom they would have treated so, but those women didn’t leave it sitting there and go, oh no, not at all but, they did stand up with an answer and said no, no more. Now women’s feet are firmly set in the door. Well, I'm sure that there are those who will argue that part too. But the time for arguing is far behind you. And behind those larried bots too, even more so as a matter of fact. It is action time now, and our boys are the loosing cow. Come on man, let's go save them. What’s in it for those fathers, you asked? A great question to take to task. The father who fits the criteria will be positioning himself to be the recipient of a hefty figure, like let’s say, twenty-five thousand dollars or it's equivalent in gold or other precious metals sold, this will be his to do whatever he feels. He would have already earned it just by doing the right thing. And this offer will be good for up to two sons belonging to him, or to any one father. No more than two though. Yeah! I heard you, you are quick in questioning that queue. Well, let me tell you why. Or more like why not? Here is why not. Because, we do not subscribe to the idea of our men going around and sewing the wild oats in every fertile ground, nor even in one fertile ground indiscriminately. A man must plan his family well and do whatever is necessary to give each child the very best chance at excelling. We are not saying that he cannot have more than two sons, sure, we are encouraging such, but he can have as much as he likes, we will take the resources which we have to give, and go give it to another man and his son or his two sons, give them their chance in the sun, while wishing that other seed farmer type of a man and his family nothing but the very best, and with the help which the foundation would have just endowed him, he should have no problem achieving the other milestones in his as well as his family life. Note: if the man is going around spreading the seeds far and very widely with the hope that a few of them will manage to make it through the harsh and choking wilderness to survive, and without his input in their lives. Instead of him doing his best to see that the two which he has got at home is thriving in the proper zone settings. Then that man is asking for another kind of sacking, which is already coming to him anyway, and we are not here to enable him in this sort of irresponsible and misguided behavior any. If a man, be he of the larried clan or any other man. If he thinks that he is going to ensure his survival by going around dropping off his seeds here there and everywhere tidal. We are here to remind him that there is no difficulty in having someone else come around and chop off all eighty-seven of his sons' heads on one chopping block. But if that very same brute of an axeman, upon his showing up on your doorsteps, should happens to know or find out that your two sons who is from amongst those very peoples who are already marked for death, if he should find out that there is much value in your two sons in whom you had invested time, energy and resources into, even though they are found amongst the other good-for-nothing kinds of peoples, guess what is likely to be the fate of your two sons, as opposed to all of the rest of those other “them?” Go figure it out. As for those who are going to argue that this is unfair and prejudicial, and discriminating, you know, the fact that we have chosen to focus our attention on just boys. We did take that possibility into consideration too. So, the minute that that argument gets to the point where the criteria set out in our mission statement is being challenged, well, not just being challenged but, is facing demands to have it changed in order to accommodate other groups or individual blames, based on whatever else other than these set guidelines. That is the day when this foundation, the scholarships and every benefit which falls there-under, comes to an end and whatever funds remain shall be forwarded to the entity which shall be named by myself and/or the executors of my estates, based upon the preset criteria. No, we don’t want to disenfranchise anybody or any group, on the contrary, we desire to uplift and empower people. Yes, that includes girls and those others whom you are there trying to get into this already established group too, but. What you should probably be doing with all of that time and energy is to go form that group for those whom you can clearly see that they are in need of it. Let me take this opportunity to say thank you even now for doing so, that’s the purpose and the reasoning focus for doing this right there. To educate, inspire, sensitize, and incentivize, meaning, -give others something to look forward to by just doing the right thing, to begin with, and even if they did not attain to the coveted prize, they would have still come out as a winner. Yes, I see your hand, what’s your question? …You know what, that is a brilliant question. She wants to know how are we going to be able to do this on a continuing basis off of that little money, you know, that which was the one-time winnings from the lotteries? We use the lottery scenario just to make a point, but that is never going to be our plans and program for our future developments. We have been looking and taking notice of some things since quite a long while ago. And in looking we would have noticed that there have been many of our very own Larried folks who had managed to strike it rich over time. And they would have gone out and about spending that money on things which the other folks sell and tell the hell out of him to buy. And one begins to wonder, why? Well, at least some of us did wonder, and then an answer began to take shape in somebodies mind. Could it be that it’s because nobody had ever sat that man down and tell him anything about money and it’s workings, and also about what is worth having and spending money on in this life’s lurking? So he goes out and spend his money on what the other man tells and shows him how to spend it on. Things such as fast cars, which he cannot drive fast without being made to pay the extra cost which that same other man and his friends had sat down and done the plans on. But he wants a fast car like the man had said, and booze on cigars, and expensive wines, and shook-sisters and whoreshippers. And more, much more, things to blister. Well, we are confident that if we should go out and re-educate and sensitize these very folks, they will come to see that there is another way, and will join us in our cause.
The old man is looking on yet, through his listening ear, and this is what he was about to hear.
Those squares mi dear, they are everywhere, and they can do and fix everything to repair, after that they are done with destroying them clear. No, it wasn’t him who had destroyed them, it was those other wasted waste peoples over there he would have sworn swear, Oh yeah! So, now "we" have got to go fix the invasive species of fish in the great Lakers play to win, vicks, always victory takers catering sticks. And now as to how it was to apply to the overfishing rod of the Atlantic cod oh my God. That’s bad. And how about what they say about the stray doggish mentality, and that same old nitty-gritty who lives out there in the fair city which is oh so pretty, but these are those that can carry and marry off and spread legs to viruses on the computer, now go on, suit her, …for such as a rabid bodied are those babies. And now, we have got to do something about overpopulating the population, and species-extinction prevention? That should get you some attention, no mention. Who though, who was it that was there speaking the wisdom into those noble absurd swords? Have you heard? About the same angled mouth spoke red sprayed letters littering the faces of all of the spaces there, on the face of the city four squares. And after they were done with culling the deer, as they were prepared so to do I swear, there were few if any dark-hued circulars sitting in the chair, in the conference room over there, -fair? Fair. So, what does the Lars, same as you are, what do they thinks of these things and how this place will be looking after squares are done with his fixing? Not too perplexing? Worry is vexing though, Lars, as they are, aren't too big on the stinking thinking tartar tar from smoking those expensive cigars, while riding away in the fast shiny car starting now. To begin.
However, if Lars should ever one day wake up and be clever and should start to shake up whatever. And get up off of that thing, and should somehow start to do some pondering, as it applies to these and other such marvelous, wonderworking miraculous questions. I can't help but squander what's left of the wonderful mighty bumble bee, and of what will he be finding to be the answer to these nagging floggings? Peeping back at him to see? Does he thinks that for instantaneously after, after that, the squared men and their other men of wares are going to go out faster, and put the putting resources somewhere around there, their time and energy and such other nonsense nothings spared, and all of the other things expensive and dearly dare, after putting it into the task of culling, sorry, I mean, reducing the excessive excess of all other things complex on the population index in order to get it to a more manageable and sustainable one flex, only to have him going about as is his customary sin, still shaking his seeding stick all over the plowed and fertile field lands and do nothing about it? Quit.
Back to those godly personalities
Gods of the dance
Awesome are those, the gods of the dance, at least for those whose circumstance did cause them to hate and refused to advance, and to worship before them and before their trance. Many are those who would have fallen dead at their dancing feet, just from the fear of eating the meat, and of the dangling beads off of biting teeth. Neath, but still, mek wi dweet. Necked there on the breastplate beneath the cheek. Was the memories of the long-gone tribal ceremonies keep, but then again. Those Square, they are everywhere, and as it always were with that man. He never takes a break from breaking the faith of people small and great. No, wait. Go grab a plate and dig in.
As everyone already knows and in remembrance daily shows, squares never did learn how to dance. Like how he did take to advance. Advancing his purpose and causes on to the stares of others like Lars is. There, I said it. But they sure would like to. You know, like, learn how to do the dance troop. Lars can teach them a lesson, or two or three. Now, take a lesson from you and me. Squares were there. They had floated in on rotten tempered air, as it was with the waves of the sea. See? Now look at me, and listen. Lars as you know, those Lars, in particular, they were far from staying beside, or circling around another tribe, he lives deep within the wooded woods on the other side. That side of the place there where first came those restless eyes squared and not so gentlemen, that’s it right there my friend.
Now, he would have beaten the path which was yet clearly smart. Would have heard of them before he saw humm. Yeah. Humminnng, as it was to be coming, coming from them, from the most feared Larry gentlemen. Kingsley square and his trusted rum friends would have followed the rhythm of the beating drums, in. Before they would have known what had whacked the hit on him, whack, striking him down, whack, on the ground, whack whack. Kingsley square would have hugged the mound. Laid him out on hardwood bed almost dead, that’s how they would have carried him in. To look faced up to the Larry King. But, unlike how it was to wad him, Lars is known to be really welcoming, would have gone out to welcome him. So Larry King would have welcomed him in. That right there and then would have been, the beginning of diplomatic sin. That very evening after they were done. Done with the welcoming of the welcomed, and of the respite of wayward sons. And had washed him white and feathered the bedpan. Out in the middle square king was led-leaded ledgered. Got to see him some semblance of customary Larry ambiance pleasured. The night was young and liberal fun, mixed-in with mirth and prime aged rum. Hands and feet the square were numb, rubbing complaints of never having it bled with rum. But Larry wise the facts were known, why truth be told would not go down. Past square deep- throat to Kingsley thrown, the path well known, there where he sits down. But then came the rummy drinks from vessels round. Those cups of old had moved around. Three, four or more feet above the ground, from which bright brains would have declared the throne, and then got thrown. Contents asunder part unknown. Sweat would have poured out liberally. Flowing all over squared Kingsley. To fall on boots below his suits atop the seat beneath his peas, and mixed in a brew with squared red peep pee peeping in the peas soup, bubbles boiling over in the fiery smoke coming out of the chicken coop, probably? Well, easy nuh man.
And then comes miss vomit, oh goddammit, she would have poked puked pannit, upon it, panicking at the truth, he was just a youth, that brute. But the night was yet far from mute, was yet much more floor left to shoot. Come yet dancing those Larried feet, to rest in the dust upon his seat. And then. And then. And then. Heh-heh.
They could no longer stare upon his dance. Each squared red face would have soaked his pants. Each fallen flat from the firm of his stance, that dance, did kill the ants, as well as the antics, all there in his pantics. Dust was rising up on tops, as feet falls hard heavy and fast, with power-balls and speed like a piston blast, in the boiler room of King's steamship's ballast, this is going to cost, but, hand me that mask. For now, Lars won. Squares, you lost. Oh no, don't do that, you can’t stop, not now. I know, you want to stop but you shall not stop because you need to hear what shall be said next like Muta would say best before lighting you up with a burning baruka, suits her. If you do so. So, again I say. Don't go to Chicago.
Lars and their brave king? Probably?
The old man, no, not him but the other old man, he is older than all of them and would have been around long enough to see all of these and other such happenings. So, the tasks have fallen plumb onto him to do the records and for telling the stories. The story such as these…
Gods of the wind
They were great to date, those gods of the eight, you know them, the eight winds, four and four more of them, you want to have them on your safe side, especially if and when you are seafaring folks lied, like they were. You are doing okay having the wind at your bay, on the backside of the deep don't ever stay,, don't let them have to come up upon you nor against the glides of morning dew like they did do unto those other Rhue. Who? Them, look, I’m a-pointy-fingering at them, those Rhues. You know, those who did not love, serve nor worship who? That would be them, -as in those gods. True, true. They were the mighty gods of the wind. But as for them, as for those other them, upon their coming in, the gods would have driven them hard and fierce, and they would have ended up upon the pierced, like, upon the piercings of the nose and ears, and at the doorstep of the lars scarce. Not knowing that that was the region of those peoples most fierce, and home to the very people who love and serves them, yes them, those gods. But for what reason, I would have asked him -my dad? This one bad, I cannot ever comprehend. But then again.
It was a story of power, and still is mighty to shower, you know! Like to shower you with the wonders of how some men were to prosper, while others will not, yes man, the struggle continues. It’s about those who have it and those who want it. And of knowing where and how to go about getting it. Or not knowing a thing to quit. But. They would have come right on in. Riding square upon the very same winds. Whoring for ore, and to raid the store. Lars would have seen them come, way before they had landed plumb out there on the shore, and would have summoned up the blowers, one two three and four-er. Spread the news, go tell it out there on the mews, tell all of them, go tell the mighty foursome winds and all of each one of the in-between, and that was to make up the eight of them. And so went out the hissing stings of the whirlwind, and she would have pointed the fury square at him, and at all of his squared gentlemen, they never did knew what had hit them, other than the mightiest of rushing winds. They were to come still sailing on in since that would have been better than to turn their backs to the wind, and they would have made friends with Clem, and with those other circulars folks around the bend, good for them, but bad for Clem in the end. But it wasn't for their lack of friends why they had was to go to attend, squarely they were studying lars, and that was to cost them dearly for, for giving secrets away, as to how they spoke to wind and causes winds to obey, and then, squares were done only when he was done at mutating them, you know, the almighty gods of the wind. And had given something else in the place of him. Oh, how hast thou fallen oh mighty godly wind?
The beckoning calls of Kings
There are pictures hanging on palace walls, and war horses are neighing in the stalls. A picture perfect portrait which tells the story of all what those kings gets, as well as other hidden secrets of those squared Kingsley King sets, and all their stories, the beckoning calls, to their glories. This would have happened just after the forming of the dark morning, like, when the skies were covered up under volcano ash and all the people thought that it was the end of them and of everything they’ve got, lot stash and barrel. But the skies were to have cleared up again, and the gods would have fallen the former rain. The meadows were lush with green again. Birds sing, clean water spring. But there were yet much lacking. The land was ravished, almost consumed. In six month there could be many things here to harvest moon, said Kingsley, of course, he wasn’t King yet. But that -the renewal would have depended on how much seed they would have got left. And what strength may yet remain in the might of the squares, mighty men. There was a problem. And one way to solve them, they must first build up their own strength. And they did. Upon the backside of the other kids living on the block, their very own stacks.
They were all Kingsley. Only separated by their number in line, dimly. Kingsley 1 would have become king man, after the end of the fasting brought on by way of the darkening darkness. They did not know what was the cause of it at first fit, they thought that it was a curse by the gods of curse, and accompanied in by their nurse, the church, of course, but what it was in reality was drifting lava dust and smoking literally, the direct aftereffects of a volcanic eruption several thousand miles away across the ocean bay. It was one of the biggest such events ever to have happened in their human monetary history, well, according to his story. Or was it mine? Same sign, stories they are every time. The dust was to come riding up upon them and carried up upon the winds, and it was to cover the suns face from viewing the disgrace, from within. Other than for the immediate results of folks stumbling around in sobbing sulks and darkness prior to unknown, the worst was yet in the waiting room and hastening to come, yes, that room right there up ahead. For two to three years after the initial spread of the eruption dread, yeah! That same one which was to come spreading in from way over there, or maybe it was after that time when it was first made known to the kind folks in that region of the toe, you know, not that neck of the woods but the toe, the world class of a tow. Two or three years later was when the real effects started to hit them greater, and harder at the home border, right there where they lived. Because the sun had not come shining through upon the squares land fair and blue, blue-blooded and well-studied. The food stock stack pile was to suffer the spoil. And then. Began they to get hungry again, and wondering was beginning to befriend Bungy, as he wondered, as to when and where food would be coming from to fade out hungry. It had better come though, and quickly. It was not very long afterward that blood would have been spilling sword, this one had was to be turning to be hitting on the one who was not to be too willing to give up a part portion of his belly filling or all of it. To leave him with just himself and with the nilling. It would have happened quickly quick, so quick that man was forced to become fit fit fit. To be able to make a hit hitting fixing flex, and be fitting in into the mix. So, this man was to fall upon that one and nil him, just to take what was in the pot that man was chilling. And if the willed was to become unwilling, he takes it from him too to go toward his own healing, and for joying up his family feeling. Only the strong and strongest among them was going to stand best, and be there still standing up for the longest, of the run that is, and be found still standing up in there in the end. Kingsley was to be such a friend. And mighty was the flames of his fame, went out and about there making himself a name. But then came the sun out from under the dusty spout, and start again it's shining against the shouts. And the crops even prospered in the ever afterward but. But Kingsley had now tasted the nectar, the sumptuous sweetness of the spoils of war. Can't just go back now and stop the car and turn around after getting this far, the man was forced to war, because of the falling of the star, that was before they had gotten to know that it was, in fact, volcano tar. But as for kings, nothing doing if they are not going to be doing the war things along with him, and all of the taking of all that spoiling, and yes, after the ash mess they would have gotten together and crowned Kingsley better, and even the very best, the best warrior they would have had yet, they then went out and about and wasn't the proud men stout? After they would have taken and crowned him king. Kingsley King. That was to be the best for them. And the rest, as they say, is his story. Not mine, no glory for me divine. Okay.
Happening on the other side.
While over there the squared men tried, things were also happening on the other siding. No, not that far a glide in, as to reach over by them larried Lars tiding. It was somewhere over the rainbow where there had earlier landed some other squares. Squares who had themselves became aware that life was fair, for those who would have dared to fare. So, they would have dared, and disappeared from over there, from alongside those other squares who were really akin to them, and would remain best of friends to the journey’s end, even. But this was just in the dawning of their waking up morning, there will be yet many a storm forming, and sunny days for them to be warming they were to warn the company doing the farming before comes the calm, and yearly ears of corn. Speaking of corn. This is the norm. To be reapers of corn there need to be keepers of barns on a fertile farm. Now, this is where visionary men get the stem cells called -stamina. I'm coming right on over said Bungy and his soldier, you know, his friends, his followers, they were more than just the brothers. Well, it was not all of them who was doing the saying, Bungy did the say and the sending but it was his brothers and the others who were amended to be able to pay him, like, paying the necessary attention to him, and to obey, and surprisingly they did, they obeyed and went in. Into the ships and then out on the sea to see what there be, that was how they would have found and brought back the tea, and then came the p, as in people, including he, him. Yes, him too, the Larry King, Boo -well, not really the king. He himself didn't come, at least not yet, but, he did get in on board the shelf and did enable them to sell self, as in his people belt. Everybody was doing the sell in those selfsame days, hell, even those who were buying was buying just to be trying the selling thing, in order to bump the golden pot up and welling off themselves off of the wealth.
So, that was how it would have started. But then, Kingsley would have wanted, like, wanted to reap what he had previously planted and what Bungy would have watered. And that was when the king would have sent messengers in, those who went to fetched the Bungy fellow thing, yeah, that was them, and they would have brought him to stand before the king, the Kingsley king in command and the new way would have been born. Bungy did not have much further to go on though, other than to go the way of each mortal foe, toeing the way home. His brothers also had was to do some goings of their own. They had was to turn and go back home to lay him low and down and then, and then, and then. They would have been gone again.
Gods of the dead.
Who are never really dead, just moved up in the featherbed and was to flee fled, on out of there and unto more power and strength to serve those who love and worship them. But then. Square would have hopped right on in and all over them, there and then, you know him, that square, he was going everywhere. But it was not for the lack of fear why they were there. He was actually shaking down there, somewhere down below the spare legged tare and hanging off of the other half just overshadowing the calf, oh no not the cow in the past pastured and eating grass called up and often barbed wired and cordoned-off, but. He had been walking away from the place where they would have barely let him lay and left him with breathing breath in the bagpiped in to stay in, like, in deh jah jah jah jah in dey, and stay on the course and get out of their coast, where he had swayed, off balance and all the while not sparing a smile which was known to clown the tumbling down of the fierce wrath which comes from the tried tested and proven men of the cloth over on that other side of the great divide, before sending all intruders there, off to the other sided sphere. Like, over here, so, squares were buoyed, but. They were nearly destroyed. Sort of. And what for? For having taken one wrong turn on the way up, upon the quest to come in into the deaders hut. They would have known right away though, that they would not, like, they would not want to stay too long a time, in their region and among their kind. That would have happened when squares would have looked up at what there be and would not have liked the eyes he had turned to see, or more like, where eyes once used to be, and the more than enough bone-headed bones of jewelry, worn upon those lars bodies well-toned. In what was the custom over there, in Territory fair, which were the customary ways over there for the people to worship and to wear, I swear, they would wear the boned remains of departed ancestors as in, no jestering sinting things, like, like teeth and small bits of sweet toe toes did meet the feet of those who had gotten to live very long and notable lives, but... But then came the rut.
As for the greatest and chiefest of the elders, est. and those who aspire to be leaders best, and just as much to be elders, they would have worn the bone, on the roundups while doing the rounds, the boneheads of the elders who are dead, right there upon the top of the fire head, the headship of their kindred.
Squares would have seen this when he had wondered in unfit, unprepared and was scared stiff out of his barbed, bearded wit, quickly he would have disappeared. But. He never goes to where he really should have veered, like, go away, ever to stay. But like everyone already knows, that squared thing, that never goes away thing, never. At least not far enough. Into forever -Mutt.
Call to a conference.
They were there, splitting up and sharing the shares. The sharing of the tares as well as the wheat and all of the treasures which they had taken from thieves, and the convergence of the conscience was to meet there too, and the unconscionable was made able. As for the unconscious though, no. Could be the end of the innocence for all of them foe, or worse hence, the end for all of them in the stall, or even the whole sum of them. But as for you, and as for him king too, he even slid over backward and fall.
There they are, gathering the assembled and trying to assemble themselves together, in order to become more orderly and to become strong and even stronger. But the assembly was soon disassembled and dismantled, because of the antics of some of the assemblees who will not be assembled with ease, nor with anybody except among these, like, like themselves, probably, or with someone else who is more like themselves? Maybe, just maybe. Especially if and when it may become convenient for this one to be with the other man to suit his own circumstance.
They were gathered there in the square or in a square Kingsley room somewhere. Trying to gather themselves together, to become stronger for much longer. But over yonder, that one would have wondered, wondering if this will turn out to be a blunder when his interest, just like all of the interest which he would have managed to accrue to himself and to possess, all by way of his smarts and incest, sorry I meant to say, invest, he had invested much into himself and into his commonwealth, for all of the common poverty which he had selt. And deadly poison to the others dealt. Will it? He would have wondered. Will it be all taken away and squandered? All under the watchful eyelids of the governor who are out there selling reparation powder? Will their ways and what they are saying catch-a-fire and backfire on us to land us in the way where all that which we have will be taken away and given over to other, like, to you, and him, and not us, but them? Pointing the fingering around again. They would have fright-fretted away, and out from the meeting of the assembly. So, even though the squares were there and the cubes too. I was not there, nor was you, I'm willing to give two bits, or bet a dime on it. On what? On that, that you were not. Like, you were not there. You are not a square let alone a cube. Every cube is a square, even when packed together in a long tube that’s square, but not the reverse sided side where cubes should disappear into becoming a square. Repair would be fair for that said square. A rectangle won't have to ramble about the handle nor be made humbled and start to grumble about the gift, wondering if it was a mistake that he should have stumbled in to be finding himself a place there amongst them to sit, and to be bundled up with them there. So, too are the few that will do if they are triangles, though they tend to fit in better whenever they assemble one with the other. A line will gather himself with others of his kind, preferably with many others such as thine. And so will be able to get himself in every time even in a straight line but, but there are those other, others who were badder, in their bladder, Of course, they were bad, yes, they were badly designed from the opener line of their hopping in time. They couldn't stand on their own upon a hill sloped down. No, nor could they be trusted to walk and fine, like fine-tune a straight line. They just seemed to be able to roll downhill and tumble and stumble until, and that is all, all of the time, and all around the ground. For no lack of rolling around, and a generous liberal dusting of black, and varied shades of brown outside and around, outcast they are and are known. When seen from afar they are, yeah! You know them, the mighty circulars. Circulars will never fit in it would seem except for fitting in, in the kitchen beam, perhaps. And in the sink. Sinking down somewhere over there in the spheres of the squares. And in the bar serving beers or on a stage dancing and singing and making a mocking fooling something. Not someone though, not anyone but themselves. Hanging on to the shelves. And off of the wall and stalls, stalling the car from starting and doing yet more walking talking telling and entertaining? Yes, entertaining an idea that he, they, all of them. They think and say that they have arrived squarely on the other side. Squares are mixing in and mingling, and playing on par with the Lars. Progress so far yah mi star. Prosperity ain’t too far.
Chimes of the changing times
In the beginning, the squares were there warring against themselves from that morning, right after the dark leftover nightly disaster, it was tribal war, more like, survival for, …for what? For this, and for that. Because man needs food to stay alive by far. So, for this cause, they would have to strive, trying to find the next little morsel to get into the next leather parcel. They would have tasseled. Hardhead breaking bottles. But the sun was to come shining in again and warring families became best of family friends again. But the war fever was yet in their vein lever. Spells death and destruction for the other insane giver. The lusting was to now come busting with righteous religious crosses trusting, and then they would have crossed the continent pastures, and that was when Kingsley would have been crowned king faster, and by men who were there warring with him mere moments in. But that was then, that was before the sun came shining out again. Now it's not okay, but as for them. That very same one even, it's raining mainly hay. As in hay day.
They would have wanted laborers for the fields. Bingo, there they go. Riding the flow, off of the winds upon seafaring tides row. Now, hop on and let's go for a ride.
Kingsley would have heard of it, heard of the magic which Bungy had nicked, would have heard that the other squares over there were whoring for profit, and finding plenty and to spare of it. He would have known right away that this was his big hit.
He is back now at that place where he can get back all of the bakes, you know, that money which he had once got and which would have been a wasted waste. And which he would have lost when comes the frost and then the dark. And all of those months and years inside the cast. Which was to turn away his fortune tide past. So now he must go back and get it. Get it out of the very pocket, out of the pockets of those others who want it. But they who wants it are also those who know that, if they are to go out and get it, they had also got to give it, well, let me say it better so that you may understand clearly the letter.
Those squares over there, that place there where they were in the new estate on the bare, they may be there looking up at flying eagle's stare. But this place won’t be bare nearly as long as theirs were in the dawning years. They wanted lots of things to get done and do and lots of money to make them too, but, they are people who know the queue, they know that, for them to be able to make all of the lots, like, the whole lot of money which they want to be funny, and be able to get that got, you know, the money, the much money which they envy, then, they are going to have to go out and spend the little penny. Which they have got any.
But there are many of those with the little penny in the pocket of the denim. Those little such may turn out to be quite a lot of much. Kingsley would have clutched at his luck. And then came the rushing windy bus to go get the things which they want to crush, like, like wants to crush the most, in order for them to get their cut of the much-much toasts. As it was to be revealed, they, those maverick squares over there on the new bear land not to be too bare any more. They wanted laborers for the fields for sure. Bingo, there they go. Riding the flow off of the winds upon seafaring tides. Now, hop on and let's go, let’s go for a ride.
They would have gone to where the kings usually go to play you know, he has got this in his back pocket flow, with them having all of those ships and them now knowing the shifts of how to rock it and go get to it and get it back to them quickly quick, and as for all of that money which they, the other square men there already got the itch, to go spend it quick, they are willing to spend a lot of that in order to have for themselves the much more which they want and lack. Kingsley has got it, the things which they lack from the locket. And if he doesn’t, he knows how and where to go to get it. Yes mi fren, my friend, my good friend is back in town again. To put you... hay! Enough of that. Now. That was to be the best of times for Bungy and for his men kinds. And also for kings of the Kingsley times.
It was the culmination of a number of things, which would have brought about the current sinting, wasn’t it something? Something was not sitting well, nor settling in well with some well-positioned well thinking thinkers. Squares would have gazed out across the waves and across the sea, and his eyes were opened up to see. What lies out there across the deep, all those possibilities for those who dare to come and see or go over there to be. And they did. Bee.
He was not sitting there on his own apron strings, like was the other man, he who was there wash wiping his hands after he was done with stoning the wind. And with platting sand. No.
Got he himself up off of the bib, and go chop down the trees that were very big and did yet more digging gigs making canoes, boats and shoots, shoots for ships very big my youth. Big enough for man to live on the inside of it all inclusive. For months and years on the average voyage there, across the deep to where the others keep the lives lived. And they did. While other guys give the bad-life a sifting sieve, thinking that that was the must-have life to live. Nice. Go on, live it up. But…
As for the other man and his clan. He doesn't sleep, never did learn how to dance his feet. He has two left beats when it comes to the dancing feat. But as for his head? Vibrant is the name he has a brain, so he is up there thinking again, but not so when it comes to them, Lars and his kind friend? He is out again too, out to entertain. And more vain. Woah.
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