Now I am left to wonder, when did falling birth rate become a thing to celebrate, and who is to decide?
Amidst the mountain of arguments surrounding the issues of global warming and overpopulation concerns. There seems to be no lack of calls for a reduction in the birth rate. There are many who are advocating for a voluntary reduction in the number of children per family, to the ideal number of (0) or the next best which would be one. Two they say is a continuation of the problem. I got this message in my inbox today from one of my subscriptions. Of course, it would have caught my attention since I’ve taken it upon myself to make this my business, in recent times. The headline read: Why falling birth rate aren’t always something to celebrate. And I’m, like, when was falling birth rate a thing to celebrate? But quickly it was to come running back to me, -that is what I’ve been talking about for the longest while. But really now, when and where did this all get started? It is not the first time that the world population question is to be the central feature of the popular public (as well as private,) discussion. No. but this current round would have taken on steam upon the release of the first: scientists warning to humanity,” which came out in 1992. However, this report, according to many of the loudest voices now speaking on the issue, is that enough serious thought, action, or attention was not given to that call, and hence, the situation has worsened. The second report came out in the twenty-fifth year anniversary of the first report, that is, in 2017. Now, ever since the arrival on the scene of this 2017 report, the waters have been stirred into action. And the actions are happening still. And getting more and more authoritative. My purpose here is to stir up the awareness in the spheres of the black folks on this matter since the black face in this space seems to be woefully lacking. Black man, do you even know what is going on?
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