Which is it going to be black man? A country for you and for your kinds, or you, all of you, yes, and me too, all of us for the sake of the planet? What are you doing Mr. Man, to add your voice and effort to the cause of fighting overpopulation, and climate change? Are you even aware of what is going on, where we are in the grand scheme of things?
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Mosque prayers should be peaceful |
The 28-year-old Australian, caucasian male and white supremacist who massacred 50 Muslims and injured many more at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday. Compares himself to Nobel peace prize laureate Nelson Mandela, and thinks that he, just like Mandela was, he expects an eventual Nobel Prize just like him, -Nelson Mandela, once his people would take over.
According to him, “European populations were being displaced in their homelands by immigrant groups with higher birth rates. “High fertility immigrants will destroy us now, soon it is a matter of survival we destroy them first,” he stated.
That person claimed that Muslims were the biggest threat to Western civilization with their high fertility rates and their strong wills to conquer.
… the environment is being destroyed by overpopulation, we Europeans are one of the groups that are not overpopulating the world. The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world,” wrote that person, referring to immigrants as ‘invaders’. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment,” he wrote.
That’s as much of the venom that I am going to be able to smell here without puking, so. Go, go read it for yourself if you like.
Let me try at dissecting things here a bit so you might see where I’m coming from. There are a number of bolded texts in the above excerpts. I did it for emphasis. And will now venture into giving you my take on each of these bolded scripts.
Firstly, “this person,” if one can refer to him as such. In comparing himself to Nelson Mandela said among other things. …once his people would take over.
So, the plans and purpose here are to “take over,”? Like, everything, from everyone, everywhere? Well, well, I never knew that, but lucky for me though, my people knew, we as a people know everything that is to be known, so, no need to worry, is there?
Next, birth rates. He is concerned about these people with their higher birth rates, definitely higher than that of the Europeans according to him. And which is threatening to displace them, the Europeans, from their homeland. Therefore, we have to act soon, it is a matter of survival, we destroy them first,” he stated.
Which brings us to the third of my bolded points. Have you Mr. Black, as in, -black man, have you seen anything happening in and around you and your regions, that place where you are, living, prospering and not just barely surviving. Would you happen to see anything going on around that neck which could be construed, heck, by some weird and flimsy imaginings of a strange old fool, that there might be something going on there which could be an underhand tactic of some other interests groups at culling you and your kinds from around those parts? More vain imaginings of a messed up mind, right? Since everybody done know seh nuttn nuh guh suh, right? And no matter how far one may try to stretch it, this is just the thinking of one single sick individual, right?
And finally: he mentioned the Muslims’: high fertility rates and their strong wills to conquer.
So, Mr. Black, over to you again, do you think there is anything going on here that should concern you? Are you planning on changing anything, or are you going to go about, as usual, dropping off your pickney dem here, there and everywhere? And boast to your friends about them, and count them, but they can never count on you, yeah, that’s the way to do, wonderful things that people do, because that man is going to pass up on you, and on all of those children too, when he is out to fix the problems, the issues of overpopulation, and create a place that will be comfortable to live in, for him and for his children. So go on, carry on with all that shit, and with nothing to quit, that’s it.
Extra, extra.
Just in case you and your mind are now at a place where you can start doing that thing which we as a people is well known for never doing, it’s called, thinking. Here are a few more things you may want to throw in the thin, the thin of the thinking tin, when you are ready to get starting.
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Movin on up, upon “child-free” movement.
Germany rails as teacher shuns having babies to save the planetAfter Verena Brunschweiger married at the age of 30, she vowed never to have a baby because of the impact it would have on the environment. Now, eight years later, the Bavarian teacher has emerged as an unlikely spokeswoman for the burgeoning “child-free” movement.
In a new book, Kinderfrei statt Kinderlos (Child-free rather than Childless), which has been making waves since its publication this month, Brunschweiger praises those who choose, for the sake of the planet, not to reproduce — and condemns the discrimination she claims they suffer at the hands of those who do have children.
The teacher works at a small grammar school in Regensburg, a picturesque medieval city north of Munich, and sees no contradiction between her day job and the views…
The teacher works at a small grammar school in Regensburg, a picturesque medieval city north of Munich, and see no contradiction between her day job and her views. There are more but. This may require further actions on your part.
Letters to the editors
America’s great immigration systemDear Wall Street Journal editors, Mathew J. Murray, editor in chief: (wsj.ltrs@wsj.com ; edit.features@wsj.com )
A meeting with Chinese officials helped convince Neeraj Kaushal nobody is better than the U.S. at handling new arrivals.
Your recent publication of “America’s Great Immigration System” fails to deal with our reality of accelerating overpopulation in the United States. America’s immigration system proves itself the most destructive in the world. At 330 million of us, we cannot continue along our “exponential growth” path, which mimics cancer cells, and in the end, the host country collapses from too many people demanding too little water, energy, and resources.
While the world population continues exploding with 83 million people, net gain annually, hundreds of millions of desperate people attempt to flee Africa, India, China, Mexico, and Indonesia to land in first world countries that chose stable populations during the 1970s. We absorb over 1 million legally, annually, and 500,000 illegally. Because of their desperate circumstances brought about by third world birth rates, all western countries face an endless onslaught of immigrants. Africa, at 1.1 billion today expects to jump to 2.0 billion by 2050 and 4.0 billion by the end of this century. Can we save all of their citizens? Answer: not a chance, but we can destroy our own civilization. (Source: UN Population Projections—Africa)
We must ask ourselves, “Do we want to bequeath to our children an immigration-driven overpopulation nightmare of another 140 million people added to this country within 31 years by 2050? We’re jumping from 300 million in 2006 to 440 million by 2050. (See population graph) And, how will our children cope with the worsening quality of life, lowered standard of living and collapsing environment?”
As a six continent world bicycle traveler, I’ve seen what’s coming to America via endless immigration and it’s not pretty. Let the WSJ publish more realistic pieces on how endless immigration degrades America’s future because it truly proves we endure “America’s Worst Immigration System” that ultimately ends in the collapse of our civilization.
Thank you,
Frosty Wooldridge
Golden, CO
One final thing, I just want to offer our heartfelt condolences to the families, friends, and associates of all those who would have lost their lives in the vicious attacks on those innocent worshippers in New Zealand, and elsewhere at other times.
Happy reading.
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