Seen a video of an intense conversation, it came upon me in a social forum. A conversation and a standoff between a young black man and his cronies, or supportive companies, up against what appeared to be a white police officer, in the company of others. It was supposedly taking place in Selma Alabama
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Prayer in court? is it okay? |
I keep following you, and I'm not going to be following you and giving you birthal protection, and I'm telling you for your own benefit, you had better turn around and get out of this area. You are not going to the courthouse in a group or under condition that you come here and I'll assure you of that.
Not sure what that is supposed to mean. ...All I'd really like to do sir, said the young man, is to go to the courthouse and ...pray.
The courthouse is closed...
...don't want to go into the courthouse sir, all we want to do is to go to the lawns of the courthouse, kneel down there and pray and we'll gladly return...
You take your prayers back to your church, -that is the proper place for praying. Cutting in ...I'm sure, I’m sure that God will hear your prayers just as well down there as up here but you're not going on that courthouse lawn.
Sir whenever there is a man who is in a sinful condition, prayers should be uttered wherever they are. Yeah, why don't you pray where you are why don't you go back down there and pray, you, you think you are Lilly-white? No, I don't. You think you are not sinful, huh? No, I don't. Well then, go back to your church and pray.
Well, sir, can we pray together, you and I? You do your praying I'd do mine big boy... why don't you pray for us? ...Because I don't think your prayers get above your head. Well, why don't you pray for us? Repeat.
No, I'm not gonna pray for you. I’ve tended to my business now you gotta tend to yours, now you’ve got to move these people outta here. Sir, sir. Sir. Meanwhile, (what seemed to be the voice of a white woman would have pierced the silence) ought to know how to love before you. .. I don’t have to love nobody I don’t wanna love. More muffled words from the woman...
No, you do your own love, you love your little niggas I love who I please. Back to the black boy's questionings.
Do you believe in equal justice for all? I believe in justice. Replied the cop. Do you believe in equal justice for all? I don’t believe in equal nothin, there’s no two people in this world alike and they are not equal under no terms or conditions. There’s no two peas in the world alike no two pieces of money no nothin else. So are you saying that if I have a quarter and I’m black and you have a quarter and you are white then my quarter isn’t worth as much as yours?
That’s your quarter. I just add what my quarter worth you use yours and I use mine. what my quarter is worth? I decide what my quarter is worth you use yours and I use mine. See the video here,
The conversation was patchy and bears several interruptions but for the most part the messages, they were loud, clear and plentiful in coming.
And I would sure like to add my little say on a few of the points brought forth here. Especially in regards to the worth of the quarter of which they spoke. They sure as hell don't bear the same value in the hands of those two people and their kinds as the records will show. And that is exactly why we are in the predicament that we are in today.
In the hand of one of them. It will likely be well-invested and carries on over into several generations. In the hands of the other, it is likely to be spent and wasted in no time. Even before it had gotten there, in the hand. And worse if it is of the paper kind of money. It may even be lit with fire and burned just for show or use to walk the road, where toilet tissues once trod. And the list of nonsense goes on, oh my god. In the hands of one of those two. But what do I knew? Sorry, I mean, know.
On the question of equal or being equal. The officer seemed quick in answering the question as to whether or not he believes in equal justice for all? I believe in justice he said. And stopped there. But there was more to the question than that. Of course, he does he sure believes. From where he was standing. It wasn't hard at all for him to believe. It makes him who he is and served him well too. He sure would never want to be in the other man shoes though and that was probably what had aided him in determining that there's no two peas or people alike in the world.
But really though, when one should stop and think of it, how in the world did a people who were placed on such a prime piece of real estate, arguably the choicest of them all. How did he and his kind allow himself to be dealt such a rotten hand in the grand scheme of earthly things and be rendered little more than beggars and just barely alive, for now? Wow!
Coincidence or what? Looks like what, -WTF to me.
‘Power is not given, power is taken’, UN General Secretary, -Antonio Guterres, It will work for you too if you dare to give it a try. So, black man, lie to me, tell me you are worth saving.
Some other things I would have noticed over the years which gave me cause for concern. My father's generation, as well as his father's before him, as the records tend to show. Seemed to produce a large number of children, mostly boys. However, come my generation and then the current one, and everywhere I look I am seeing a trend. There are far fewer children being born to the black family, and those who are born anyhow are, for the most part, girls now. Or girls first and then boy(s) if any, later. And even where there are yet a few boys in the mix these are playing second fiddle to the girls in just about every way.
Is it just around these parts that this is happening? No, naughts, I don't think so. Social media is seeing to that. There is far more daughter to talk about than sons as the records seem to show. Whatever talking there may be about the boys are not the flattering kinds nor are they the happy boasting kinds, like achievements and making great strides and such, as is the case nowadays with the girls. Boys and especially black boys are being culled, I mean killed in the streets way too frequently and for way too flimsy a reason. And yet again, the perpetrators of such culling, sorry again, I meant to say, killings killers are walking free, way too fre, as in, -frequently too, and one is left to ask why. Not me though, oh my, I know why. Or at least I think I know some of the reasons why. Value for starters. Or the lack thereof. On many sides, of the border, including black folks and our values systems.
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