Concerned over their future, and climate change, school children around the world took to the streets on March 15th.
Friday, March 15th saw the turnout of over 100,000 school children skipping school and taking to the streets.
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Greta Yhunberg Fridaysforfuture. |
School children are required to attend school. But with the worsening Climate Destruction, this goal of going to school begins to be pointless.
—Why study for a future, which may not be there?
—Why spend a lot of effort to become educated, when our governments are not listening to the educated?
#FridaysforFuture is a peoples movement following the call from @GretaThunberg to school strike. Read more.
Who is Greta Yhunberg?
Greta Thunberg is a 16-year-old school girl who, in 2018, stunned the COP Conference in Poland with her clarity and honesty when she said: “You say that you love your children above all else, and yet, you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.” And after being on school strike every Friday since August 2018, she has now stepped up her game by inspiring such school strikes around the world. Yesterday March 15th was such a day, and Montrealers were out in their numbers to witness it.
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There is no planet B |
The paradigm is shifting
Can capitalism and all of its attendant drawbacks and vices continue on forever? Some say no, and there are surely those who are of the opinion that we are on the verge of a paradigm shift. Take medicine, for instance, capitalism along with its driving force, the profit motive, this has brought about some marvelous changes, for the better one might say. People are living longer, healthier lives because of it. But, “How can it do this when we are so overpopulated as it is?! Medicine is dangerous and will only lead to a far off doomsday of overpopulation.” Says one guy over here. Capitalism obviously has a real problem, and we should be focusing our efforts on removing it from society completely. Because, from rapid technology development to jobs, to efficient new ideas, capitalism has imposed greed and sin upon humanity said another, over there. Makes socialism seems like the golden brain-child of the future. As a matter of fact, some are advocating for this, socialism bits.People complain about socialism leading to the destruction of entire nations and starvation of their entire populations, often leading to genocide and otherwise being completely impractical. While many will argue that there are many tangible benefits capitalism has brought the world, communism offers a more abstract and the wishful thinking outlook toward the future. If given a chance to be properly executed in America.
Here are a few comments of note on the subject of capitalism:
Capitalism is a corrupt and evil system that has brought us nothing but problems.
Capitalism has been feeding people for centuries, and Americans are too fat now because of it. Venezuela and North Korea — two socialist states — have some the fastest weight-loss food programs on the planet. Socialism is very slimming!
Capitalism has brought modern medical practices that save so many lives and help people everywhere. How can it do this when we are so overpopulated as it is?! Medicine is dangerous and will only lead to a far off doomsday of overpopulation and scarce resources. Try helping the environment and skip your meds.
Capitalism has been cooling people off for too long. People are freezing! Air conditioners are a symbol of the Bourgeoisie.
If capitalism never brought us airplanes, we wouldn't have to worry about their too-small seats, and we could just swim to Cuba for vacation instead
Sourced from an article in the Dailycaller. WHAT’S THE WORST THING ABOUT CAPITALISM?
Overpopulation is the common denominator.
This is an overview of an article which was sent to me via my subscription at the UN. This is the article under the caption: Overpopulation is the cause of migration, by Delbert Meyer. Note, there will be my added comments here and there throughout this overview. Read the full story here.Do you know what is really happening my black brothers? Yes you, it is you who I am pointing the finger at in all that I do here. Do you know what time of the day it is, I mean, really?
Of course, you know about the call, to build a “border wall” and all, and all that crawl, happy all?
But what are the thing which is fueling this and other such happenings in recent (or not so recent) times?
First, migrations are occurring around the world, not just from south of our border. People are migrating within and from Africa, within and from the Middle East and in various places in Asia, which often bring with it great loss of life. The common denominator in all migrations is that people are suffering in their homelands. Among the several causes are economic oppression and long-term hunger. Too many people are competing for limited resources. Under these and other circumstances, migration seems like the only hope for many.
Ultimately, the most humane way out of this dilemma said the article, is to bring the population down to a level the Earth can support. (And the state too, and me, and you.)
…Some say it is already too late, but to lose hope and give up will only increase violence and devastation of all life. There really is no credible choice. A start would be to make birth control and safe abortions free to all, here and around the world.
Note: pay close attention to this my people. Two points of interest here for me and my kind of peoples, people who are already faced with all manner of “sheets” to cover the entire overpopulated world, but I can yet see other dangers, even in this right here. In this clause: “A start would be to make birth control and safe abortions free to all, here and around the world.” First, this is only to be “a start,” and if this fail, what next? Hmm. And, secondly. “To, make birth control and safe abortions free.” What if some nations and peoples should say, for example, “-we, don’t have an overpopulation problem over here so we will pass up on that.” Then what? What will be your next move, is that move already at work somewhere in the world? I have my suspicion. But, over to you Mr. black, I mean, black man, and your leaders. The rest of the world, I mean, the world, since as the records seem to show, you and I are “the rest, the left-overs.” However, with that said, the question still remains, -what are you doing in regards to these and other such things?
Now, continuing with the article. …If women had, without stigma or persecution, access to reliable pregnancy preventions that are safe, easy and affordable, very few pregnancies, at any stage of development, would be terminated by abortion, the procedure so objected too by religious conservatives. Why would any thoughtful person choose abortion if given better options? Safely performed abortions are no more against life than “back yard” abortions, and certainly no more physically damaging to women than full-term live births. Children do not ask to be brought into this world but those who are, deserve love and nurturing to bring out their fullest potential for the good of all.
So, black man, this is me again, the elk, -the writingelk. From where I am sitting and looking at this, I see a concerted effort to tackle the overpopulation problem, by keeping many, very many unborn children from getting born. And based on what “they,” the movers and shakers in this and other arenas are saying. “We” have to do this and that, in order to leave a world to, -NB, “to our children,” the ones that are worth having. So, they themselves are still planning on having children, right? And wants those to inherit it. Who then are those children which they are out to prevent from getting born? Just asking. Don’t get me wrong here my people, I am all for planned family, and for having just so much children as one can afford and as is in accordance with the bigger picture, the grand scheme of things. But, if and when one should stop to look at the way how things have been for the longest while, there seems to me to be a particular types of people who are not worth much to the movers and shakers of this world, the “we” types who has got to fix everything and everyone. And it is to those types of peoples that I am addressing this argument. Along with a very potent question which I don’t want you, us to lose sight of: are you as a black man, worth saving? Really? #lietomeblackman
Do you think that those the “we” people who are there planning and working and putting into effect all (or even some) of their grand works and plans? Do you think that they are seeing things the same way as you are, even now? Do you think that they are going to give up the space which they have diligently carved out of this Earth in order to leave an inheritance for their children’s children after them, do you think that they in all of those work and plans which they are there working away at, they are then going to quit on having three sons in order that your 74 which you have gone around dropping here there and everywhere, may live and survive in that said world which they had labored hard at creating? And that they, your seventy-however many more, should continue living in it, and breathing, and have their heads still sitting up there above your neck, yeah, and theirs too? Instead of on the chopping block? Of time even? Yeah! Go on, think again, or some other thing, like, enjoy yourself, since you and I never do, you know! The thinking thing? Here, have a drink, wink.
No person should be used as chattel for the greedy. Said Mr. DELBERT MEYER
Of the sentenielsource.comLink; read the full story here
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