Welcome to the trails on ELKPages, this site is where the ELK shares his musings and other things with his friends. After publishing several novels, such as Spaces, my space, your space, and the public space. 76, Clancy's journey. How to train a wild puppy dog named, Manley, and Church Laundry. Go to my Author's page
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Casting Shadow on the Trails |
So, come Wednesday, we will be starting off with episode one. Why Wednesday? Well, why not? Wednesday will be my birthday you see, but you get the gifts. And furthermore, it will be much easier to remember come ten or twenty years from now when someone may ask, when did it all get started. Here now is an introduction as I say, welcome to the trails, Shadow's tattooed trails.
Introducing the series.
Long, long ago in a faraway land, in the land of the mighty Cekko peoples. There was an order established in the realms of the great kings, an order which could not be altered.
Although the kings never died, ever, they must needs be transitioned to another much higher realm, this after having served their people for a period in the much lower realm, and after having attained to the level of mastery necessary for them to go on to function and be able to serve in the most exalted realm.
This is where every last one of them longed to be, they all aspire most to be there, without exception, at the most exalted realm. This is where the current king: King Liam is going next. But not before the next in line: the firstborn son of the reigning king, his son Bauctnumboulei in this case. After his ascent. This is where Liam is going
He, Bauctnumboulei, must need to ascend the throne to reign in his father's stead before the transition of his father to that most exalted realm can take place. There came that moment when King Liam was to perform the rituals during his reign.
But the vile one: Cespedoran, a distant relative of the king’s chief minister and all-around overseer of the king’s security apparatus, -an agent named, Smokey, Smokey’s relative that said Cespedoran fellow, did stir up no ends of trouble and had was to skip town really fast. Or more like, he was thrown out of town fast.
While the king's son and heir to the throne were yet very young, it was then that Cespedoran and whoever else it might have been who was in on the plot, they would have sought to usurp power for themselves, and Cespedoran was quickly put down with a little help from the well-abled king's guards. He was then cast out.
He and all of his rebellious companions, or some of them as it was to be revealed later on. But not before he had grabbed the Genodes pellets.
Until the Genode pellets are found and returned to the kingdom though, the king’s son is (for all intents and purposes,) dead.
And therefore, cannot and will not reign in Cekkoland. No prince anywhere is going to be ascending up unto any throne in his current conditions.
And as for the king himself, and as for his aspirations to have his son ascend the throne, all of this would have been in limbo.
One agent was chosen and sent out, or more like, forcefully seized, bound and thrown out, in the same manner as Cespedoran and his cronies were.
This agent was plunged into the task. The task was to: seek out, find and return the pellets to the rightful place in the kingdom.
One agent after another was charged with the task of unraveling the mystery of the stolen pellets, and to bring home the lost genodes and hence, the kings son.
In whatever form bringing him home should happen to apply. One agent has the key to get it all done, who will it be in the end?
He was the chief of the intelligence service.
He must battle with the dark forces at great personal cost, he has done well thus far. The final epic showdown is coming though, and all eyes shall behold it. At least all eyes in Cekkoland.
The real traitor will be revealed in the end, and it may not be the “person” whom they had long suspected. And some real unassuming hero may be revealed in the end too.
The quest for the truth will lead backward in time to just prior to the rebellion, in Cekko time measurements. And finally, to the women and a whole lot of goings-on where they were concerned, probably.
He was to be given a new lease on life, well, there would have been many of such, many who were to be given new leases on life. But there were also many who would have lost out big time.
A training officer at the king's spy school would have been one of them. He would have been the very one who was to train the very guards who would take over from him, Platt against him, kill him, well, he didn’t literally die. His trainee did prevail against him though, and get the closest of them all to bring home the pellets but...
Hi there! The elk here again, so like I had said, there are some interest in publishing this story as a stand-alone book, hence the aborting of the series here on these pages, I had was to do some further editing of the script to meet the required standards for publishing but that is currently in an advance stage, will keep you up-to-date. Note, if any of you are interested in beta reading this and others of my works, please let me know via, contact page or in the comments if you prefer. thanks.