Established in 1992, PIC Is The Population Institute of Canada, headquartered in Ottawa. This is the websites of one of the many respected population organizations around today. PIC campaigns for smaller, environmentally sustainable populations through universal access to voluntary family planning.
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Credits: our Canada, courtesy of PIC |
Campaigns & Lobbies: to lower human numbers to sustainable levels by voluntary, universally available family planning.
The aim is to Engage, Empower, Inspire, and to challenge taboos by highlighting the harmful social, economic & environmental consequences of population growth.
PIC encourage recognition of the inter-relationship between population, industrialization, pollution, food production & resource depletion as highlighted in the Club of Rome’s Limits to Growth and its sequels. For a sustainable future, one must consider exponential growth & its limits, overshoot & collapse, recognizing that endless, unchecked economic growth renders a sustainable future impossible.
PIC believe in sustainable populations & their associated steady, state economic policies. “For a sustainable future” countries must limit – in some cases reduce – population levels to what can be supported within their own sovereign territory, without environmental degradation.
Urge individuals to consider the impact of population on the environment & resources in their decisions on family size.
And lobby government to increase support for reproductive health & education in Canada and as a significant, integral part of overseas aid. Among other things.
Founded in 1992 by the late Dr. Whitman Wright as the Ottawa Family Planning Project (then Global Population Concerns). PIC is an incorporated NGO, supported solely by membership fees & donations. It neither seeks nor receives financial aid from the government nor from any private corporations or religious bodies. Take me to PIC
The Mission
The mission is to:Change how people think and act about population.
Stabilize, then reverse, by voluntary means, human numbers consistent with a sustainable future.
Encourage universal access to readily available, non-coercive family planning. Raise awareness of the social, economic and environmental consequences of population growth and how it inhibits sustainable development and the human rights aspiration of a majority of people worldwide, notably the poorest.
Campaign for family planning support as a significant, integral part of foreign aid, consistent with the needs and wishes of recipients, and which is essential to poverty reduction, educational advancement, and gender equity.
Support the widest range of programs to improve the status of women and girls where inequality exists, particularly in the developing world.
Help facilitate population stability and sustainable development in countries of origin to reduce migratory pressures.
Contrary to what may be the contemporary views of Canada, PIC is arguing that. It is a viewpoint based largely on myths and wishful thinking rather than on rational, scientific observations and assessments.
Canada’s population will soon surpass 37 million people. In fact, with growth at 1.2% per year, it is one of the fastest growing developed countries in the world. PIC believes there are compelling reasons why this relentless increase in population numbers should be critically examined, then reduced and, ultimately, reversed until population size is consistent with Canada achieving an economically and environmentally sustainable future. To ignore facts and the associated imperatives of mushrooming growth is to sleepwalk into a future of almost certain and dire crises. Logically, infinite growth in a finite space is impossible. They argued.
We are talking about Canada here folks, that wide open country up there in the white North.
My question, therefore, is: what are you doing Mr. Blackman, about your little piece of the promised land? Do you even have a plan? Just asking.
Among the people listed on their honorary member's list, are some well-known names and faces such as: Sir David Attenborough – Naturalist & Broadcaster
Robert Bateman – Naturalist & Artist
Margaret Catley-Carlson – Former President CIDA; Deputy Minister, Health & Welfare Canada; Ex-Chair Global Water Partnership
Jane Goodall, PhD., DBE; Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
And, Dr. David Suzuki, Scientist, Broadcaster, Author
Among others.
I have searched diligently my black brothers, trying hard to find your face, and mine, and I couldn't. Just like I didn’t when I was focusing on the other organization’s website: population balance… I am yet to see our faces anywhere, and in any serious way focusing in on these very important and current issues, this to me, is cause for grave concerns. Black man, rise up, it’s high time to take a stand.
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