This is a love letter directed to all my black brothers, including me. And it comes in the form of a question, what does “we” mean? In the grand scheme of things, when the word “we,” is being used, where is the black man in it?
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Space for one more? Please! |
According to world scientists, starting from the early 90s, 1992 to be exact. That was when the first scientists warning to humanity came out. And “we” meaning those said scientists as well as others. Others were included in those “we” terms, to varying extents and degrees, as the contexts may apply. Here now are some excerpts from the warnings of those and other scientists, starting with the 2017 updated version. And I shall be adding my commentary here and there as we go along. Along with a question to my beloved black brothers: where are you (and me) in the schemes of these things?
Excerpts from the 2017 warning.
The authors of the 1992 declaration feared that humanity was pushing
Earth’s ecosystems beyond their capacities to support the web of life. They described how we are fast approaching many of the limits of what the biosphere can tolerate without substantial and irreversible harm.
The scientists pleaded that we (note the word “we” here, as well as elsewhere.)
…that we stabilize the human population, describing how our large numbers—swelled by another 2 billion people since 1992, (up unto this point in 2017 when this updated version was being drafted.) that would have amounted to a 35 percent increase—exert stresses on the Earth that can overwhelm other efforts to realize a sustainable future
(Crist et al. 2017).
They implored us that “we,” (note: from here on, I will be using the inverted quotes symbols to emphasize where I want to draw your attention to this and other such related words, with a question in mind as to where is your part, as a black person, in these things?) They implored us that “we” should cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and phase out fossil fuels, reduce deforestation, and reverse the trend of collapsing biodiversity.
…Humanity is now being given a second notice, as illustrated by these alarming trends (figure 1). “We” are jeopardizing our future by not reining in “our” intense but geographically and demographically uneven material consumption and by not perceiving continued rapid population growth as a primary driver behind many ecological and even societal threats (Crist et al. 2017).
…As most political leaders respond to pressure, scientists, media influencers, and lay citizens must insist that their governments take immediate action as a moral imperative to current and future generations of human and other life. With a groundswell of organized grassroots efforts, dogged opposition can be overcome and political leaders compelled to do the right thing. It is also time to re-examine and change our individual behaviors, including limiting our own reproduction (ideally to replacement level at most) and drastically diminishing our per capita consumption of fossil fuels, meat, and other resources.
(Now, here is where my antenna starts going up, as I try to zoom in on what exactly is being said here. Who is putting on the pressures on our political leaders? What kinds of pressure? The media! So, they are in the game too, who knew! Would they have anything to do with the daily doses of death, destruction, lewdness, wastefulness, self-hate, and the lists goes on? Don’t tell me that they are in the game too, as “influencers” influencing the degradation, destruction and the slow death of a particular kind of people, (first, and the others to follow later?) And lay citizen… oh, so you do have a role for the likes of us, small though it may be? And that role is to insist… or push our governments. in the direction which you want them, as well as us to go, to enable you and your cause, at our own detriment and destruction? And those things which we are witnessing with our very eyes, which leaves us wondering wtf, what is our leaders up to? Is it a part of the plan? Of them fulfilling their obligations to you, instead of to us? And you are confident it would seem, that you can overcome any and all dogged oppositions, probably because you have done this oft times before, right? And compel political leaders, isn’t high time for us to be demanding that our leaders report back to us the details on every discussions and plan which they make behind closed door, supposedly in our names? And if we don’t, or won’t voluntarily curtail our own reproduction, what next? What will be next, or currently on the agenda for the wayward ones who will not willingly wipe themselves off of the Earth, in order to preserve the earth for others to enjoy? Just asking.)
...The rapid global decline in ozone-depleting substances shows that we can make positive change when we act decisively. We have also made advancements in reducing extreme poverty and hunger
…Sustainability transitions come about in diverse ways, and all require civil-society pressure and evidence-based advocacy, political leadership, and a solid understanding of policy. (Whose policies, and for whom? I can surely see the pressures being brought to bear, not seeing or hearing much about the policies though, who is sitting down and formulation these, signing to them and acting them out supposedly, on my behalf?) So, to you my black brothers, this is the burning question. Where are you and your input in these things? Were you sitting there in any of these gatherings when these things were being discussed and formulated? Did you even know that these things were happening? Where do you think you are going to be when all is said and done, and after the dust is cleared? Just asking.
Here is a pdf copy of the Scientists warnings to humanity, including the 1992 edition.
This is a love letter to my black brothers everywhere. #LLBB #LB2.
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We are doing this because we do believe that, a smaller human population is essential in creating a future worth inheriting – for us humans and all other species!
Thank you for all you have done to advocate for nature, up until now. I have something further to ask of you further though. I have not seen any mention of the core cause of the problems threatening creatures living on this planet: Overpopulation. Perhaps the reason it is missing is: a) you are not aware of our current overpopulation and its impact on your efforts; b) you are somewhat aware of our current overpopulation but as yet do not comprehend its vital role; or c) you are afraid to bring overpopulation into your organization's conversation.
You have a responsibility, to tell the truth.
The oceans are overfished because of it. The amount of atmospheric carbon is increasing because of it. The habitat of countless creatures is destroyed because of it and we are facing the greatest species extinction rate since the ice age because of it. ‘It’ is this: the earth is overpopulated. Ecosystems all over the world are ravaged by the enormous consumption of our massive and ever-growing human numbers. In the last 80 years, the Earth added five billion passengers. Globally, the Earth continues to add 9,000 human passengers each HOUR, net gain, each and every day to an already overpopulated planet.
Don’t take my word for it. Look at the evidence. For starters, check out the websites of three respected population organizations: World Population Balance, Population Matters and the Center for Biological Diversity. I believe you will begin to see that everything from biodiversity loss, aquifer depletion, ocean acidification and overfishing, topsoil loss, deforestation, to climate change can be traced to the fact that the number of people living on our planet is unsustainable.
We cannot protect nature and preserve life until we address our overpopulation crisis. Please include overpopulation in your literature to help well-meaning supporters understand the tremendous positive impact that smaller families can have in creating a healthier planet. When people choose small families everyone wins - humans, plants, animals, and the future of all life on the planet.
If every environmental group plants the seed of overpopulation awareness, people can begin making the connection between nature’s degradation and overpopulation. And they can begin choosing to have small families. Freely chosen one-child families will lighten the load on Nature and give future generations a healthy planet worth inheriting. I ask you to please do your part as an advocate and steward of the planet’s future to address overpopulation and make a better future possible for everyone.
The writingelk.
(This letter is adapted from Karen I. Shragg's "Sample Letter to Journalists" adopted for use here by permission.)
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