The MTL Police would have moved in on the scene and round up the suspects in time to get Libby some needed help.
Here is the story as told in
Chapter Twenty-two
On the move, again
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The Manley book |
This was put into effect by the sergeant after the taxi cab moved out with the woman inside. The body temperature in all the officers occupying these units was way up, at any minute the call to action could come.
Upon the approach to the bridge, at the last exit on the Montreal side of the river, the taxi cab exited the highway 40 west and parked on the down ramp near the underpass. All of that info was relayed to the man in command. And then, when Kamal and the moving truck pulled out and leave, all of the police units looped up behind him. From a distance of course, so he never knew that he was being followed until...
“Green lights,” said the sergeant, “go get them.” The truck had just exited the highway at the very same point where the taxi cab had gotten off and parked. Coincidence? Very possible, it being a real happenstance though, highly improbable. Thought the senior cop.
Based on what they had seen thus far, and because the woman in the car was, seemingly, in some sort of distress when they’d put her in, the sergeant did not want to prolong the time any further before he could get her to the hospital, to be checked out properly. Furthermore, the picture which presented itself so far left little doubt in his mind as to what was going down.
The two vehicles were by then encircled by police cars, and sirens were heard in the distance as more cops and probably an ambulance was approaching.
“What is the purpose of you being parked up here?” The officer asked the cabbie
“I was waiting for someone.”
“May I ask who might that someone be?”
“The gentleman in the truck behind you.”
“Is the lady okay?”
“I don't know sir, why don't you ask her that, she can speak for herself, I just picked her up back there a while ago.”
“Miss,” the officer called out to the woman but she didn't respond.
She looked distant and incoherent to the cop, he walked around to the other side and try again to talk to the woman but still no response other than a slight turn of the head to look in his direction.
He got on the radio and called the Sergeant.
“Serg. I think we need to get help for the woman as soon as possible.”
“Coming right up,” the sergeant responded.
Meanwhile, with Kamal in the truck behind the cab, the sergeant wasn't wasting time. Just a few questions he had asked the young man before giving the instructions to the officer to cuff him and take him for a ride back down to the station too. He wasn't in the mood to be wasting any more time out of the office on this case.
The same instructions were given to the other officers, in regards to the rest of the family at the house.
Everybody has got his man or woman. Libby was off to the hospital, Kamal and the cabbie, to the police lockup.
Meanwhile, the Sergeant has got a call to make, on the drive back towards St Charles Boulevard and Kirkland, well after daybreak, he took out his cell phone and place the call through...
At the same time, back at the family home in Kirkland, three separate vehicles were being loaded up with: the father, the mother and from the upstairs apartment came the pregnant wife of Kamal and her young son. A call was placed through to the child protection services to come and get the young child if necessary. At the hospital also, the search was on in earnest, for fresh emergency room staffing, the poison, and toxicology unit was called in also.
That’s it for today. See you again tomorrow.
Go get the Manley book and read the whole story.
Tues. February 19
2008 - Fidel Castro resigned the Cuban presidency. His brother Raul was later named as his successor.
1987 - A controversial, anti-smoking publice service announcement aired for the first time on television. Yul Brynner filmed the ad shortly before dying of lung cancer. Brynner made it clear in the ad that he would have died from cigarette smoking before ad aired.
1986 - The U.S. Senate approved a treaty outlawing genocide. The pact had been submitted 37 years earlier for ratification.
1985 - Mickey Mouse was welcomed to China as part of the 30th anniversary of Disneyland. The touring mouse played 30 cities in 30 days.
1878 - Thomas Alva Edison patented a music player (the phonograph).
Q: So why do you write?
A: I'm a guy of many words, but whose tongue is slow and heavy, and my words tend to come out awkward and clumsy, so I write, because I always have something to say, I think. Which always tends to get me into trouble anyway. The extra bonus though, in writing is that a pencil usually comes with an eraser.
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