Mister lover-man is at it again, How to train a wild puppy dog named, Manley is a romance novel Jamaican Yardie-style. Want a Ja-can love story? Here is one right here for you.
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Excerpt from chapter 3: Note: not the entire chapter.
Chapter Three
Seeing things in black and white
…Friday evening, almost exactly one week after that meeting with Mrs. Kentise, as I signed off of work at about five thirty, the phone rang, it was the madam for sure. “I have a proposal for you Mr. Manley,” she said, “you need to get here as soon as possible.” I point my nose in that direction, one can't afford to irritate any further this person on whom so much of one’s future and freedom may depend, can he?
She opened up the door to me, so I walked in.
“Have a seat,” she said, as she turned the corner and went out of sight. I did not sit down, I scanned the room, just because. Wasn't looking for anything in particular, I was just uncomfortable.
She came walking back into the living room, “sit, sit, sit down,” she said emphatically but rather calm and cool. I sat down in the very first chair that my hand could reach there at the table.
She pulled out the chair on the opposite side of the table and sat herself down in front of me.
“Look,” she said, “I've been thinking about a lot of things, and I have come to the conclusion that, you are who you say you are, just someone who had made a stupid mistake and is awfully sorry for it. So...” She paused, pushed back the chair and got up, I'm going to cut you some slack here she said over her shoulder as she again turned the corner and went back in the direction of the room where she had gone before. Again, I snuck another peak around, leaning towards the door which was slightly ajar, and which leads to the children's playroom. It had come to my attention that I haven't seen or heard anything of the children since I’d arrived there. Mrs. Kentise came back carrying the laptop, or maybe it was another laptop in her hands, I can’t say for sure. She placed it on the table and hit the power button.
With the right hand still on the backrest of the chair which she was about to pull out further, as she was about to sit back down, she paused in the middle of the act, leaned across the table at me, “I think today is your lucky day," she said, and then completed that act of sitting down.
After sitting back down and shaking herself comfortable in the chair, she began to manipulate the keys on the laptop, progressively slowing down the act, “hmm,” she squeezed out the sound of satisfied discovery, or something closely akin to it.
For several minutes she was at it, leaving me there to wonder what she was up to. She must have found what it was that she was searching for because she shot me a lingering stare, over the top of the angled up computer screen, then sat back in the chair and stared at me again.
Her eyes slowly narrowed, her lips parted as a thin grin began to birth itself out on her face. “How about you give me some?” She asked as the grin widened on her face. “Huh! What?” I reacted in puzzlement. The already wide grin she was wearing gets bigger, as she slowly turned the screen towards me and...
Whoa. There I was, looking at, me, myself, right there on the screen, in the nude, while standing there in the presence of a strange woman, one whom I was not there, at that time, in that state, to do, anything with, Yet.
I slid out the chair backward from underneath the table, turned slightly around to heave myself out of the chair. “I think it's time for me to go,” I said.
“No, no, please,” she said, “I am being genuinely straight-forward with you here, I don't want you to leave, not this time. Forget all that, that thing about the lawyer and all the rest,” she said, and then, while pointing at the laptop she added.
“I really want to do this, you and me.”
“You really are sure about this?” I asked. “Couldn't be more sure,” she replied, as her hands reach up and started to undo the buttons on the skimpy little sleeveless top which she was wearing. She came walking over to where I was sitting as she finished the undoing of the buttons, sat herself down on my knees. “Look.” I said, “I have already done some things that I am regretting, and which is the very reason why I am here being quizzed and threatened by you, am I going to be regretting this too, coming here to talk to you?”
“No, that was not the reason why I called you here today, this is.”
“I can't do this.” I protested, “at least not with the threats of lawsuits hanging over my head.” “There are no lawsuits, there never was, yes I was angry and upset at the first when I saw the recordings, not even sure if it was at you, or at Mira. I think it was more at her for bringing you in here but, when I started going through the recordings, all I wanted was to be in her, (Mira's) place, and I just knew that I had was to give it a try, I really am sorry for the back-handed methods that I used but, you won't hold that against me, will you?”
While she spoke, she was undoing the buttons on my shirt, I gazed at the firm and full round breast there just bouncing and begging, was just about to reach out and take a hold and a gluttonous bite out of-em too but then I recalled that she was nursing, it's probably why they were looking so damn lushus and inviting but I still would not take anything away from how beautiful the woman looked.
The upper half of me, the sensible half: my head, my heart – to a lesser extent, and my mind told me to protest, not to be drawn into this dragnet, this trap. But my lower half, my over-actively sensual half wasn't cooperating, he just wanted to hop on the horse and go a-giddy-upping down the tracks, guess which half won out in the end?
Yep, you got it.
This dirty old puppy dog just hops on and went on riding along down the dead end track. This would become a regular routine over the next little while for us. Every time that the kids go off to their daddy's place, I hop on over to their place, where me… and… Mrs, Mrs. Jones, or was it Mrs. K? As in, Mrs. Kentise, has done got this red hot chili peppers-like thing going on. Until...
Libby came into the picture and spoiled everything, or did she?
While all of this was going on with Mrs. Kentise and me, Mira and I were still having our regular rendezvous, only not at her workplace anymore, we never did make that mistake again.
So little by little the heat started to wear out of the potful of Mrs. Kentise and me, or so I wanted her to think of it, and Mira likewise was seeing less and less of me.
“Is he getting tired of me?” she, Mira wondered. But it wasn't that at all. In a way, Mira was deluding herself all the while, into thinking that she and I were an item. I never did have much real interest in her from the start, beyond hitting the sack and burning some fat. If she was hoping and dreaming of something more than that, then I guess one could call it a bonus, everyone needs something to hold on to, a hope, a dream, in which case, I guess I'll always be her dream lover, won’t I?
Libby stepped into the picture and everything changed, and no, I wasn't banging on her door, as you might be wondering. There was something different about the way how I felt about her, I had even seemed to have lost the desire for the "regular workouts" as I had grown accustomed to up until then. That's when both Mira and Mrs. Kentise started turning to pester me: “where are you? What are you up to? Why have I not seen you in x amount of days?” And on it went like that. Until, Mrs. Kentise got the fabulous ideas of going back to her old ways, her old redundant threatening ways.
They call me Manley the Techno man for a reason, I am the go-to guy for all things technical in electronics in general and computer in particular but somehow, it would seem as if madam Kentise did not inform herself well enough about who I was, to have known that part. So when she’d changed from her threatening ways to start bedding down with me, I knew that that couldn't last, I didn't want it to last, and by then, I had also managed to see enough of her to know that she could be a two-edged sword, cutting both ways, I had already tasted a bit of both bloody edges by then too. So I started to prepare myself against that day when she would turn again from sweet to bitter.
So, I started to record our every encounter, conversations, phone calls, well, her phone calls not mine, since I never did call her. Ever.
To be continued.
That’s it for today, my friends, come again tomorrow for another episode in this series. Don’t forget to subscribe, follow and share the page.
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Extra, extra. On this day in history
Wednesday 23rd
1989 - Surrealist artist Salvador Dali died in Spain at age 84.
1978 - Sweden banned aerosol sprays because of damage to the environment. They were the first country to do so.
1977 - The TV mini-series "Roots," began airing on ABC. The show was based on the Alex Haley novel.
1971 - In Prospect Creek Camp, AK, the lowest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was reported as minus 80 degrees. Damn, Hear them teeth?
1950 - The Israeli Knesset approved a resolution proclaiming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
1943 - Duke Ellington and the band played for a black-tie crowd at Carnegie Hall in New York City for the first time. Thank you for your interest in this story, if you like it as much as I think you do, be sure to subscribe to recieve timely pieces of information and updates. follow the page and share with a friend, thanks again.
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