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A shy boy became a man |
How does a shy boy become “the man” Manley, even?
I have some real trouble on the social scene as a small boy, said Manley. I couldn't understand girls. And boys? It would seem as if the only thing that they would want to do with me back then, was to beat me up, and that they surely did, at every juncture and with every opportunity which presented itself. I stuck to myself always back then, until that day when Bobbie Nooks - the schoolyard bully, messed with me one time too many, and I busted his head, and then kicked the living daylights out of his already bloody face, and got myself sent off to the principal's office for it. I got sent to the principal's office a lot in those days, to my mother's chagrin, but as for me, the more I got sent there, the more I loved it
Here is today’s excerpt from Chapter Eight. Note: note the entire chapter, just parts of it.
Chapter eight: Women are from where again?
…Ms. Brodbendt was the very first one to get my attention and capture my teenage boy's lustful thoughts and imagination, at about twelve or thirteen years of age, it was my fairy godmother who initiated me in the real meat of the matter though.
A young woman with chestnuts hair, and Amber eyes, skin so soft and clean as if she'd never been bitten by a mosquito, or even had a scar, or maybe she was just over waxed, over shine.
When I got back home after leaving the Millers, I discovered that she was gone, they told me that she got herself a teaching job south of the border and headed down to the great big USA, making the big bucks doing what she does best - teaching, or was it?
I can't help but wonder at times if she took all of her teaching tools, her tactics and all of her techniques with her when she went down there, Hmm. Some southern teenage boy must be counting his lucky stars right this minute.
My fairy godmother and her family were living just two blocks away from my mother's house, that's the house where we all lived at the time, my mother, my sister Amy, my brother Norm and me, too close to her for comfort as it turned out. But who's complaining?
She, goddy, (that's what I started calling her since no one seemed to know her name, everyone else just calls her Miss), so, goddy was able to watch me, as I grew up and develop, putting on the muscles. Between ages thirteen and fifteen I had grown about a full foot in height and I was putting on the weight, in all of the right places and in pure clean muscle too. I was ripped. And she? She noticed for sure, she never did miss an opportunity to tell me how great I looked.
I was beginning to get the feeling at times though, that someone was talking to her, telling her things about me and about all of the troubles which I was having or getting myself into at school, because, she started showing a bit too much interest in me, and in particular, in those personal and private aspects of my life. Much too much for my comfort at the time. And then she offered to come "sit and talk to me." The timing couldn't have been wackier.
It was just around those same times as I was beginning to get cozy in Miss Brodbendt's company, and I was also seeing the spikes in the sexual tensions in that arena. Unlike Miss Brodbendt though, goddy didn't waste any time on priming and prepping me, she just delves right on in with the brush and started painting, and this well and timely relieved puppy dog breathed a huge sigh of relief. Not a minute too soon.
Unlike how things were at our house, where there was never more than four people living there at any given time, my fairy godmother, in contrast, seemed to have an entire village living inside of their apartment, she was always reminding me that she's from a very big family.
Her family is big alright, it’s so big that, she has two sisters with the very same name. The big joke in the family is that: their mother has so many children, that she had forgotten that she had already used up that name. And because the other sister, whose it was at the first, had a pet name by which she was commonly known, they didn't bother to change anything, everybody just went along with the flow. They all knew very well who is who: Deloris number one (Dell) and Deloris number two was born almost a full decade apart. So, there never was an issue in deciding which Deloris is which. With all of that crowded mess, it was only a matter of time before somebody was going to get into somebody's way. Or trip over somebody and fall.
It came about on one of our - by then, regular rendezvous. I had gone over to her house, on her invitation of course. She had said that she would be alone that day.
Our house was the meeting place of choice up to that point, but for some strange reason, I was beginning to get somewhat uncomfortable with the whole idea of me carrying my girlfriend into my mother’s house, no - wait a minute, she was not a girl, she was my woman friend, this was a grown ass woman, not a girl. I had gotten to the point where I was uncomfortable with the practice of carrying her over to our place, and into my mother's house whenever she was not there, and for no other purpose or reason than to make out with her in the basement. I had made my over-sensitized hang-ups and reservations on the matter known to goddy, and she agreed with me that it didn't seem right, and said that her mother would have been pissed off too if she should discover that she - or any other of her siblings should ever do that sort of thing. But then, not many days later, she invited me over, said she was going to be home alone. I hopped right on over and wasted no time in getting into the activities of the day: working on the day shift.
In the middle of it, without any prior warnings, her little sister popped right on in and disrupted the apple cart.
To her great credit though, she did not tarry, she just turned around on her heels and headed straight back out, maybe that was the norm in that household, hmm.
That was it for me though, I was done. You could fold me up and wring me out like a wet rag after that and hang me on a clothesline somewhere, I was that much done.
L'il sissie was not done though, she was just about to get started, she wanted in on the action, and fast.
I think this little encounter right here, did feature prominently in goddy's decisions to go south when the opportunity arose a year or two later. The relationship between her and her little sister also did take a beating from that moment on. And as for me? I was in the meantime majoring on running: running out of places for us to get comfortable and get down, running out of interest in goddy and the family gang, running into some other new and interesting prospects, running away from home, running into Mrs. Miller and then...
What? You asked if I did do them crazy little things with l'il sissie too? What kind of a question is that B?
To be continued.
That’s it for today, come again tomorrow for yet another episode in this series. Don’t forget to subscribe, follow and share.
Get the Manley book here. And learn how A shy boy became the man, the Manley man.
Extra, extra. On this day in history
Wednesday 30th
1995 - Researchers from the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced that clinical trials had demonstrated the effectiveness of the first preventative treatment for sickle cell anemia.
1948 - Indian political and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu extremist.
1900 - The British fighting the Boers in South Africa ask for a larger army.
1844 - Richard Theodore Greener became the first African American to graduate from Harvard University.
1798 - The first brawl in the U.S. House of Representatives took place. Congressmen Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold fought on the House floor.
1790 - The first purpose-built lifeboat was launched on the River Tyne.
Question of the day.
ReplyDelete1: Were you a shy boy/girl?
2: What kind of dog sorry, what kind of woman/man are you now?