We are endeavoring to alert and educate the black man that overpopulation is the root cause of resource depletion, species extinction, poverty, climate change, and other undesirable and intrusive interferences into our way of life. Often by other interest groups which do not always share our values nor seek to respect our tradition. Our mission is to help in charting a path for human civilization that – rather than causing greater misery – enables good lives on a healthy planet. We endeavor to collaborate with and support those who advocate and support a smaller, truly sustainable human population – voluntary reduction in birth rates.
We intend to present our message through this website, social media, newsletter, media interviews, and advertisements.
Many of the target audiences we acknowledge, may be strongly pro-life and others strongly pro-choice, however. We respectfully agree to disagree about many issues, including but not limited to abortion, in order to focus time and energy on achieving a sustainable global population. One which includes a vibrant and thriving black man.
Here, we believe strongly in democracy, liberty, and individual freedom, and therefore, opposes any coercive population control measures and will articulate our objection to such whenever, and wherever any such means, methods, and tone should rare an ugly head, real or perceived.
We see overpopulation as the common denominator of most social problems and environmental pollution. We aim to bring about public awareness of the need to reduce our own negative footprints drastically if we are ever to come to grips with all of the other problems which we face as a nation, a people, and a race.
It should be perfectly clear from the above, that if the human race is to have an arbitrarily long future on this planet, then we must establish a society which is essentially static in nature. This is not open to debate...it is a simple mathematical fact. Therefore, "We need to take the necessary steps today, in order to secure a future for our children"
If we consider the proportional distribution of welfare and sources of energy both desirable and necessary, in accordance with principles of justice, and if we do not want to exceed the earth’s capacity, then a substantial reduction of the ecological footprint of the average inhabitant of the wealthy West is inevitable. And the same holds true for the rapidly growing world population.
It is quite obvious that our ecological footprint exceeds our proportional right on space, air, water, and natural resources many times. The ecological footprint of the average American it is said is nine times as big as the footprint of the average inhabitant of a Third World country. If the rest of the world would live as selfishly as the wealthy West, we would need up to three earth globes to make this possible. As it now is, we still have just one.
We will seek to achieve our aim by fostering awareness
The aim is to raise awareness of the fact that overpopulation causes damage to, and a decrease in, human and animal wellbeing.
Having children is a basic human right. However, the quality of human life goes hand in hand with adequate space being available for the continued development of the said human life as well as other forms of life. In this and many other countries, man has appropriated too much space to himself, at the expense of nature. Man and nature are seen to be at odds one with the other. That rift needs to be mended if we are to preserve the quality of human life.
Small towns and villages which, to many, (me included,) represent the most agreeable scale of human settlement, are being swamped by the addition of huge housing and industrial estates, and with them comes the attendant infrastructure. The culture of small-town life is going downhill, along with the beauty of these historic hamlets and townships themselves, and their surroundings.
It is evident that an improvement in the quality of life in the Nation cannot be achieved by a reduction in the population figure alone. The well-being of the nation’s and the world’s peoples must not be sacrificed on the altar of progress and prosperity for a few, or even for all. There has got to be a balance.
Many people are despondent or apathetic and harbor the unspoken feeling that the world is doomed whatever happens. According to them, there is no point in dedicating oneself to the preservation of the quality of life on the planet. We beg to differ, we dare to try at the very least.
We intend to make our case for birth restriction in our country, as well as a method of counteracting the notion that the “gay agenda” is behind the proliferation of such lifestyles and its attendant activities in our country. And that it is designed to wipe us out. Though this may or may not be the case, we will not invest too much time and energy in worrying about what the other person may or may not be doing in these regards, not at the expense of us doing anything real and substantial in promoting our own best interests.
We are not out to take people’s rights away. We do not want to make the mistake of offering solutions before having made it clear that, without a change in the way we are going and in policy, a huge problem will arise. In fact, the problem is already here. This problem goes beyond mere inconvenience. It is our very survival which is at stake here, the provision of our primary needs and our opportunities for personal development at the very least. At the moment, the everyday, observable reality leads few people to realize that our food and energy provision could become endangered. We will try and bring this to people’s attention.
Can the right to a dignified existence, be weighed against the rights to unlimited reproduction? This is the burning question here.
A statement concerning a desirable birth number geared at maintaining a proper balance and quality of life in our country for the long haul.
Standards for immigration, migration and migration quotients, if any.
An account of the means by which we intend to meet our objectives: government information, the admission of refugees, the child/family allowance system, premiums for men who remain in the home and in the lives of their children.
The desirability of larger and more numerous nature resorts and landscape conservation.
Over to you, “leaders”
We seek to develop and enjoy healthy relations with the printed press, broadcast media and political parties. However, due to the delicate nature of the subject matter, we do understand that utmost caution remains necessary. We could promptly squander any goodwill or contacts we may have by making unsound proclamations, through discord, untrue or unsubstantiated statements within our movement or an inconsistent behavioral code. Therefore, whenever you interact with this website and any associated links to this site, please act accordingly.
It is of great assistance to have access to a small capital thank to which the continuity of our work and the quality of our publications can be safeguarded. To this end, we solicit your generous support. Please make a contribution if you believe in what we are endeavoring to do here. Thank you very much.
Make a contribution via Paypal
Our Vision is to Solve Overpopulation
We must inspire humanity to reduce births below a two-child average. Only then will population decline – humanely.
If not solved, overpopulation will overwhelm us all, all of the World’s people, that is – every last one of us! Today people spend billions trying to make a more sustainable planet. And all we get is a more polluted and less stable one.
Here on this website, we think a sustainable planet – and a significantly lower population – is worth the effort and the investment. Let’s do this, my people. LLBB. #LLBB, #lb2. By the way, this signifies: Love letters to black brothers. It might become handy and profitable someday so…
Note also: Some contents on these pages/post are/may be the property of third party owners. We don't hold or claim any right to such contents. These contents are/may have been collected from websites considered to be in the public domain. If anyone has any objection to us displaying these contents here, just send us an email or leave a message in the comments area, and we will remove such contents immediately after verifying the claim. Thank you very much.
We intend to present our message through this website, social media, newsletter, media interviews, and advertisements.
Many of the target audiences we acknowledge, may be strongly pro-life and others strongly pro-choice, however. We respectfully agree to disagree about many issues, including but not limited to abortion, in order to focus time and energy on achieving a sustainable global population. One which includes a vibrant and thriving black man.
Here, we believe strongly in democracy, liberty, and individual freedom, and therefore, opposes any coercive population control measures and will articulate our objection to such whenever, and wherever any such means, methods, and tone should rare an ugly head, real or perceived.
We see overpopulation as the common denominator of most social problems and environmental pollution. We aim to bring about public awareness of the need to reduce our own negative footprints drastically if we are ever to come to grips with all of the other problems which we face as a nation, a people, and a race.
It should be perfectly clear from the above, that if the human race is to have an arbitrarily long future on this planet, then we must establish a society which is essentially static in nature. This is not open to debate...it is a simple mathematical fact. Therefore, "We need to take the necessary steps today, in order to secure a future for our children"
I’m generally an advocate of natural regulation—or letting nature take its course. But when it comes to human population collapse, I’d rather see alternatives.If we consider the proportional distribution of welfare and sources of energy both desirable and necessary, in accordance with principles of justice, and if we do not want to exceed the earth’s capacity, then a substantial reduction of the ecological footprint of the average inhabitant of the wealthy West is inevitable. And the same holds true for the rapidly growing world population.
It is quite obvious that our ecological footprint exceeds our proportional right on space, air, water, and natural resources many times. The ecological footprint of the average American it is said is nine times as big as the footprint of the average inhabitant of a Third World country. If the rest of the world would live as selfishly as the wealthy West, we would need up to three earth globes to make this possible. As it now is, we still have just one.
Our Aim
Our aim is to consolidate and improve the quality of life of all black person wherever he exists among earth’s inhabitants???We will seek to achieve our aim by fostering awareness
The aim is to raise awareness of the fact that overpopulation causes damage to, and a decrease in, human and animal wellbeing.
Having children is a basic human right. However, the quality of human life goes hand in hand with adequate space being available for the continued development of the said human life as well as other forms of life. In this and many other countries, man has appropriated too much space to himself, at the expense of nature. Man and nature are seen to be at odds one with the other. That rift needs to be mended if we are to preserve the quality of human life.
Small towns and villages which, to many, (me included,) represent the most agreeable scale of human settlement, are being swamped by the addition of huge housing and industrial estates, and with them comes the attendant infrastructure. The culture of small-town life is going downhill, along with the beauty of these historic hamlets and townships themselves, and their surroundings.
It is evident that an improvement in the quality of life in the Nation cannot be achieved by a reduction in the population figure alone. The well-being of the nation’s and the world’s peoples must not be sacrificed on the altar of progress and prosperity for a few, or even for all. There has got to be a balance.
Many people are despondent or apathetic and harbor the unspoken feeling that the world is doomed whatever happens. According to them, there is no point in dedicating oneself to the preservation of the quality of life on the planet. We beg to differ, we dare to try at the very least.
We intend to make our case for birth restriction in our country, as well as a method of counteracting the notion that the “gay agenda” is behind the proliferation of such lifestyles and its attendant activities in our country. And that it is designed to wipe us out. Though this may or may not be the case, we will not invest too much time and energy in worrying about what the other person may or may not be doing in these regards, not at the expense of us doing anything real and substantial in promoting our own best interests.
We are not out to take people’s rights away. We do not want to make the mistake of offering solutions before having made it clear that, without a change in the way we are going and in policy, a huge problem will arise. In fact, the problem is already here. This problem goes beyond mere inconvenience. It is our very survival which is at stake here, the provision of our primary needs and our opportunities for personal development at the very least. At the moment, the everyday, observable reality leads few people to realize that our food and energy provision could become endangered. We will try and bring this to people’s attention.
Can the right to a dignified existence, be weighed against the rights to unlimited reproduction? This is the burning question here.
Let’s talk to power
Where do our governments stand on these issues? Our elected political leaders need to tell us where they stand on these issues. We demand to have concrete objectives with respect to meansA statement concerning a desirable birth number geared at maintaining a proper balance and quality of life in our country for the long haul.
Standards for immigration, migration and migration quotients, if any.
An account of the means by which we intend to meet our objectives: government information, the admission of refugees, the child/family allowance system, premiums for men who remain in the home and in the lives of their children.
The desirability of larger and more numerous nature resorts and landscape conservation.
Over to you, “leaders”
We seek to develop and enjoy healthy relations with the printed press, broadcast media and political parties. However, due to the delicate nature of the subject matter, we do understand that utmost caution remains necessary. We could promptly squander any goodwill or contacts we may have by making unsound proclamations, through discord, untrue or unsubstantiated statements within our movement or an inconsistent behavioral code. Therefore, whenever you interact with this website and any associated links to this site, please act accordingly.
It is of great assistance to have access to a small capital thank to which the continuity of our work and the quality of our publications can be safeguarded. To this end, we solicit your generous support. Please make a contribution if you believe in what we are endeavoring to do here. Thank you very much.
Make a contribution via Paypal
Our Vision is to Solve OverpopulationWe must inspire humanity to reduce births below a two-child average. Only then will population decline – humanely.
If not solved, overpopulation will overwhelm us all, all of the World’s people, that is – every last one of us! Today people spend billions trying to make a more sustainable planet. And all we get is a more polluted and less stable one.
Here on this website, we think a sustainable planet – and a significantly lower population – is worth the effort and the investment. Let’s do this, my people. LLBB. #LLBB, #lb2. By the way, this signifies: Love letters to black brothers. It might become handy and profitable someday so…
Note also: Some contents on these pages/post are/may be the property of third party owners. We don't hold or claim any right to such contents. These contents are/may have been collected from websites considered to be in the public domain. If anyone has any objection to us displaying these contents here, just send us an email or leave a message in the comments area, and we will remove such contents immediately after verifying the claim. Thank you very much.
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