Here is where you find all of the books published by, E Lloyd Kelly, and then some more.
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Get Church Landry.
Ballard of the acutely over-churched boat peoples, stowaways, and other such wind-rush generations types. By E Lloyd Kelly
The cleaning crew has been showing up in some churches of late, and they are finding quite a hefty load in the wash basket and elsewhere. The muck under the carpets required heavy duty lifting too, at those churches where a particular kind of people have been worshipping, the dirty laundry has been piling up for too long a time and the washing crew is sparing no resources in attempting to clean up the mess. The wash day clothesline is growing longer and longer by the day and is laden heavy under the load. Stretched out behind the church building too but not far enough out of sight of the scrutinizing eyes of curious passers-by, and parishioners alike. Parishioners are mad as well, at the whole debacle. Not to worry about that, or anything else though. As it applies to you, and me, every little thing is going to be alright, right?
Note: Church Laundry was revised and published as: Backsliding.
How to train a wild puppy dog named, Manley.
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The Manley book |
How to train a wild puppy dog named, Manley is a coming of age Jamaican love story – Yardie-style, about a girl named Libby and a boy name Manley. Libby Dahoust, is a spectacularly beautiful girl of East Indian origin and a med student at McGill University.
And Manley, Manley Jaxtan Woodhardt is an overexposed, oversexed Jamaican-born divorcee, on the rebound. Their background dictates that they should take diametrically opposite paths to life in general, and to love in particular. However, when both their paths crossed, on route to higher learning, sparks began to fly, hearts got tangled up in the mix and a rocky road seemed the only way forward.
Waters of Silver Spring
By: E. Lloyd Kelly-The Poet
Waters of Silver Spring is a collection of poems and short stories about them. These writings span a period from the early 90s up until today.
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Waters of Silver Spring |
Here is a sample, a poem called simply, Sunset
Sunset (The Sunset Poem)
Sitting here in awe I’m a-watching
The hot yellow sun slowly a-setting
Tumbling down, bit by bit
Carrying the light of day with it
Watching shadows a-growing tall
As dark grew brave into nightfall
And geese fly south to yonder rest
To feed their young and cover the nest
But I just sit in the same ole spot
As I blink the eye in awe and watch
The golden sun’s long spiky ray
B /side stained glass window, in tall frame A
In the front of a church, where the speckled bird perch
And I still sit in awe and stare
At the sinking sun, behind trees there
Where it went down… and out
"76" Clancy’s Journey By E Lloyd Kelly
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Jamaican story extraordinaire |
Young Clancy was fast becoming one of the country’s topmost schoolboy football player, but then, his idol Bob Marley died, and Clancy’s life took a drastic turn.
Excerpt: The red, black, green and gold tam he had placed between his armpit and the tree limb for comfort, had fallen out while he slept and had left the bare skin rubbing up against the hardwood. He eased himself up from the lower branch, hobbling on one leg, because the cramps in the right leg which had been hanging all this while, would not allow him to put his weight on it. After the feeling came back into his leg, he picked up the T-shirt which he had been sitting on and climbed down. By then, the music was beginning to get closer and clearer, so he joined in with the lyrics of the classic Rasta man chant: I hear the voice of the Rastaman say, Babylon your throne gone down, gone down. Babylon your throne gone down… In the distant, he could see a couple of automobiles rounding the corner like little marbles as they rolled into view.
Black blood
Trace the family tree
E Lloyd Kelly
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The real black blood |
Black blood is a futuristic story depicting a close up look at the life and times of Jamaican police commissioner Watkins, and his encounters with count Lasco: a trans-continental drug lord and wanna-Jamaican king-pin. Commissioner Watkins was the top cop of the Jamaica constabulary force then, and he was nearing the end point of his illustrious career when a series of never before seen type of crimes started flaring up on the then rapidly developing Jamaican landscape, the commissioner wanted nothing more than to crack the case before he demits office, would he?
Sang noir est une histoire futuriste illustrant un gros plan regard sur la vie et les temps de commissaire de police de la Jamaïque Watkins, et ses rencontres avec Lasco: un seigneur de la drogue transcontinental et wanna-jamaïcain king-pin.
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A murder mystery |
Lancelot Turner was a hitman from the narcotics underworld who was on his well-earned vacation, when he inadvertently ran into a fugitive from mob justice and everything changed. The road took him from Norfolk VA. to Montreal Quebec and back, with loads of actions in between. Some people just can’t seem to get a break, can they?
Certains Shitty vacances est une histoire fictive d'un tueur à gages vacances de la pègre de la drogue, qui se trouvait être aspirée dans la même situation qu'il essayait difficile d'échapper. Son plan d'évacuation était à la fois pour le court, ainsi que le long terme, car il avait prévu d'utiliser ce (court terme) voyage à Montréal , Québec, à la recherche davantage le plan de rendez- vous à long terme, qu'il avait été compte tenu de ces derniers temps. La route mène de Norfolk VA à Montréal, Québec. et le dos. Mais certaines personnes ne peuvent tout simplement pas faire une pause, peuvent - ils?
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Get the book, spaces |
Spaces: My Space, your Space, and the Public Space is a tell-all book chronicling the stories, Montreal’s road stories. Follow the intriguing tales of life as a motorist, cyclist, pedestrian or just an observant bystander in and around the City of Montreal Quebec and its environs.
Some of these anecdotes are back up with visual support via YouTube videos posted under a series call; Crazy chicken or crazy egg
Some of these anecdotes are back up with visual support via YouTube videos posted under a series call; Crazy chicken or crazy egg
Espaces: My Space, votre espace et l'espace public est un tell-all livre relatant les histoires, les histoires de route de Montréal. Suivez les histoires fascinantes de la vie comme un automobiliste, cycliste, piéton ou tout simplement un spectateur attentif dans et autour de la ville de Montréal , Québec et ses environs.
Certaines de ces anecdotes sont de retour avec un support visuel via des vidéos YouTube affichées lors d' un appel de la série; Poulet fou ou oeuf fou
qui vient en premier à Montréal au Québec? Poulet fou ou oeuf fou?
Certaines de ces anecdotes sont de retour avec un support visuel via des vidéos YouTube affichées lors d' un appel de la série; Poulet fou ou oeuf fou
qui vient en premier à Montréal au Québec? Poulet fou ou oeuf fou?
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